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Anninversary <3

  • Thread starter Veese Catskills
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Veese Catskills

Hi friends and stalkers!! As you all know.. my anniversary to my Elisa is coming up.. AND I was wondering if anyone has a huge place with a lot of liquor I can rent for a night to throw a party?!

Elisa Catskills

It needs to be REALLY HUGE to hold all our friends!!! :gun::pancakes::danceb:

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are welcome to use the Aegis Gardens. It is three floors. Garden bottom floor, dance floor second and top floor is a roof top cafe. Liquor can be easily brought in.

I am assuming you want something that can give some control over visitors to the event otherwise I would suggest the Palace in Nujelm I think it is.

Veese Catskills

Is there a way I can put a scale outside the door.. kind of like a bouncer? Like you have to meet a special requirement to get?? Or you have to wait in line??

Veese Catskills

Thank you Aedon for offering your house. I think we are going to be good friends. ^^

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Contact me in game at the Knights Rest in Aegis, or ICQ me at 312213645. Be sure to let me know who you are in the Q. And yes, we can make arrangements for what you need.

If you wish to see the gardens, Aegis is the first clearing south of the Yew Trammel gate. The Gardens sit next to the Tower in the glade.

Elisa Catskills

Do you think we could add character statues of Veese and I in suggestive positions for the event?

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you think we could add character statues of Veese and I in suggestive positions for the event?
*chuckles* Not sure how that could be done. But of you have the statue makers, the they could be set in the garden. I think I just need to co-own you to allow you to do so.

Veese Catskills

What?! Why does my wife need a date for OUR Anniversary?! Stop hitting on MY wife!!

Veese Catskills

I heart you Wife:heart: Can anyone guess what location we were at?! Yeah you don't have to reply I'm just asking so my post isn't deemed personal, teehee.