The ankh pendant will give a bonus to one or more of the 3 regeneration statistics that will last for 1 hour. The bonus can only be activated once per day. Each of the shrines will give a unique bonus combination to regeneration statistics based on the virtue for that particular shrine. A character need not wear the ankh once the bonus has been earned
Honesty (Ahm) +2 Mana Regeneration
Compassion (Mu) +2 Hit Point Regeneration
Valor (Ra) +2 Stamina Regeneration
Justice (Beh) +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Hit Point Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Sacrifice (Cah) +1 Hit Point Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Honor (Summ) +1 Mana Regeneration, +1 Stamina Regeneration (50% chance to get one bumped up to +2)
Spirituality (Om) +1 All Regenerations (25% chance (3 independent rolls) to get each bumped up to +2)
Humility (Lum) +3 Random Regeneration
Source UOGuide put it on, go to the shrine of your choosing and say the magic words. It gives you regeneration increase for 1 hour.