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Animals and monsters at Felucca overland and dungeons:



As it is now, the animails and monsters are to weak and the loot plain sucks

Loot drop need better Magic Item Properties.
Something like the changes to runic.
Low level items like from dull copper runic.
Fewer items but better Intensity when you get one. Let luck effect how offen you are lucky to get an item.
I'm tired of crappy loot, not even a newbie can use

All animails and most monsters need more:
Hitpoints: I think 100% more will do, that will make it take longer to kill it but still doable for newbies to kill lower level creatures.
Damage: I think most need 25-50% more damage to give more challenge, even to newbies.

All monsters need more fame/karma to match monsters on other facets
Just take a Orc mage vs a Ratman Mage, the orc mage do have less fame/karma.

Add the archer brigand back in the group, I have no idea why it was removed.
Where did the strong mongbats go?
We also had more Orc spawns and gazers in the forest in the past.

If animals and monsters in in Felucca, also on Siege get tweaked or get a stronger version too, I believe more would go hunt good old Britainnia.

Even on Siege where all facets are PvP, old Britainnia is dying.


"All animails and most monsters need more:
Hitpoints: I think 100% more will do, that will make it take longer to kill it but still doable for newbies to kill lower level creatures.
Damage: I think most need 25-50% more damage to give more challenge, even to newbies."

They've already done this to the high end monsters. This isn't the answer. Smarter AI is.


Then tell me why all hunt on the new facets. I can kill most overlands monsters in less than 3 shot and animals in one shot



As it is now, the animails and monsters are to weak and the loot plain sucks

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't agree more Freja.

Long ago there used to be fair challenges in the overland even. Large groups of monsters. Remember the massive ogre and ettin spawns outside trinsic? The many gazers roaming across the lands and others?

Sure they were not that tough by themselves but often they would be in groups that would be a challenge to a newer player and some fun for others.

And that's just above ground.

Loot on all levels sucks bad these days. I'd just like to find a few things that I could use, not uber, just nice.
It's VERY rare that I can find something worth keeping. I'd think we would find things once and awhile right?

I wish they would add some of this old fun. The only thing recently that was kind of fun to me was the ToT events. Why o why wouldn't they plop that back in for people to enjoy?

I just want to enjoy playing


Maybe monster loot should only consist of items that cannot be normally crafted. Anyone can craft better leggings or tunics, so why bother placing it on monster corpses? Maybe monster loot should only have jewelry, talismans, gold, &amp; uncraftable hats/Weapons. And yes, the intensity ranges should be upped a bit to compensate.


"Then tell me why all hunt on the new facets."

High end monsters always have multiple other creatures in the same rooms as them in the dungeons.

Example- Balron in Hythloth. There are at least 10 other things in the immediate area including gargoyles &amp; gazers that spawn in the same room or just outside of it. Gargoyles can open doors, so you can't even lure the other things outside the room so you can get the Balron by itself. It's much better to go to Ilsh to the Balron room in Blood Dungeon where the Balron spawns in a room alone.

2. Not enough high end creatures. Most players in UO are mid-high level in what they fight. Most of these creatures are found in the newer lands.

Basically, the old dungeons need a complete revamp in how they're set up and what spawns in them.


Okay so how do we go about making an ettin, orc, spider, or whatever "smarter"?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have long held that the only thing they need to do to improve hunting activity by all is to randomly (but rarely) have a uber item spawn on corpses. This includes all corpses. Said item should not be marked, should not go to backpack, requiring all to sort through the corpse. These items should spawn across the land rarely on all creatures killed.


I also agree, i personally think theres a lack of incentive to fight monsters these days because the loot is so poor. I must admit im not a massive pvm player, but when i do occasionally go i get put off by the amount of poor quality items i find. I dont agree that they should have more HP, but perhaps just increase the intensity of the items so that at least those who dont have crafters get the chance to find some nice items worth a bit of cash. I'm not saying make the intensity of drops higher as such, but give the random chance of getting something semi decent. Give us a reward for the effort put in. I personally think this would be more fun, and different spin on the mindless hording people do atm at the events and such. As it stands, even when you find something nice, it will never be as good as a runic crafted item.

At the moment it seems crafters are the people who earn big money in UO, and i think it needs a little balancing by making the stuff looted from monsters have higher intensity mods.That way tamers, warriors and mages who dont have crafters can enter the market with the one high intensity item they loot every now and then. I think this will make for a more balanced game considering the patterns with which people play. Make it so that those who PVM regularly have a similar chance to those who do BOD's all day and get a runic and to get the occasional uber item. This is not to devalue the power of crafters, but just give a little more incentive to those who dont craft. This would encourage people to fight monsters that they dont bother with now, and allow people to go all over the land the get something rather than everyone going to the same place!


Better armour and weapon loot will kill all the crafters.
Not referring to the crafters that bods 24 hours but the one crafter who spent a few hours per day to do the bods. Especially if runics are to be spawn in the loot.

Bods require lots of time to fill up and type of bods given is random while you can choose the critters to fight with if it's known that that will give the runic.
And you can kill a critters with 3 shots which is like less than 1 min?

While crafters earn alot from crafted stuff (also competing with artifacts drops), hunters also earn from crafters by doing peerless and selling the major ingredients to crafters which is needed for some of the receipe! + hunter also get gold from their loot!

The loot should instead consists of what is sold on the npc like arrows, regs, etc in large quantity and also more gold (which i presume will not happen when they are trying to sink gold!)

It's the surfacing of uber weapon, armour &amp; artifacts that makes the critters weak. I would suggest making new uber critters and leave the existing critters for the young or GM armoured / GM skills players.

Felucca players are usually into pvp, perhaps the uber critters can spawn certain items like mystic stone (1 use) which can +2 MR or +2 SR or +2 HPR for 10 sec? on top of the cap. This is something usable, invisible, disposable and sellable.


Agreed. There just isn't much reason to hunt the roaming creatures, especially in Fel. It would be nice to see more challenging critters with a decent reward. I would love to see a tougher group of pack critters. Maybe that would be an easy way to make a more challenging AI - they hunt as a pack, focusing their efforts.



As it is now, the animails and monsters are to weak and the loot plain sucks

Loot drop need better Magic Item Properties.
Something like the changes to runic.
Low level items like from dull copper runic.
Fewer items but better Intensity when you get one. Let luck effect how offen you are lucky to get an item.
I'm tired of crappy loot, not even a newbie can use

All animails and most monsters need more:
Hitpoints: I think 100% more will do, that will make it take longer to kill it but still doable for newbies to kill lower level creatures.
Damage: I think most need 25-50% more damage to give more challenge, even to newbies.

All monsters need more fame/karma to match monsters on other facets
Just take a Orc mage vs a Ratman Mage, the orc mage do have less fame/karma.

Add the archer brigand back in the group, I have no idea why it was removed.
Where did the strong mongbats go?
We also had more Orc spawns and gazers in the forest in the past.

If animals and monsters in in Felucca, also on Siege get tweaked or get a stronger version too, I believe more would go hunt good old Britainnia.

Even on Siege where all facets are PvP, old Britainnia is dying.

[/ QUOTE ]I disagree, I think they never should have boosted the specs on loot, the should have lowered it. I think it will be a never ending cycle of constantly having to make monsters stronger, then make skills better, then make loot better - and round and round we go. Because PVP will never be balanced.



I have long held that the only thing they need to do to improve hunting activity by all is to randomly (but rarely) have a uber item spawn on corpses. This includes all corpses. Said item should not be marked, should not go to backpack, requiring all to sort through the corpse. These items should spawn across the land rarely on all creatures killed.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would help, but I would be happy for not uber but useful items.
I do really think the mobs on Felucca need to be stronger to put some challenge back to the facet. I miss seeing players hunt in the forest.
Harder but with better rewards :)



Better armour and weapon loot will kill all the crafters.
Not referring to the crafters that bods 24 hours but the one crafter who spent a few hours per day to do the bods. Especially if runics are to be spawn in the loot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Even if you spawn items with mods like runic, it will not have have the exceptionel bonus so crafted items will still be better. Still it will be more useful as now.


Bods require lots of time to fill up and type of bods given is random while you can choose the critters to fight with if it's known that that will give the runic.
And you can kill a critters with 3 shots which is like less than 1 min?

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree Bods take to long time. Yes you can kill a mob in 3 shot but maybe you need to kill 50 to get a nice item. As it stand no, there is no nice/useful items from the overland spawn and I doubt there is any from the old dungeons.


While crafters earn alot from crafted stuff (also competing with artifacts drops), hunters also earn from crafters by doing peerless and selling the major ingredients to crafters which is needed for some of the receipe! + hunter also get gold from their loot!

[/ QUOTE ]

Hunters do not sell perrless resources to crafters, they use them for their mule! True crafters never see this resources.


The loot should instead consists of what is sold on the npc like arrows, regs, etc in large quantity and also more gold (which i presume will not happen when they are trying to sink gold!)

[/ QUOTE ]

Arrows are craftable, so are regs and we don't need more gold. I need useful jevelry, resources for crafting on mobs a crafter can kill and stuff I can enhange.


It's the surfacing of uber weapon, armour &amp; artifacts that makes the critters weak. I would suggest making new uber critters and leave the existing critters for the young or GM armoured / GM skills players.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did leave the existing mobs on the Trammel facet for younds first training, but I fear they will get very little joy from them


Felucca players are usually into pvp, perhaps the uber critters can spawn certain items like mystic stone (1 use) which can +2 MR or +2 SR or +2 HPR for 10 sec? on top of the cap. This is something usable, invisible, disposable and sellable.

[/ QUOTE ]

That could be ideas, but they have to stack

Items that will increase something skills, resist or something else for 10 mins would be useful and sell.
maybe 25 point in a skill for 10 min or 25 resist. And you can only use one skill scroll at the time and one resist scroll at the time.



Because PVP will never be balanced.

[/ QUOTE ]I believe that PvP balance in all MMOs (not just UO) is a popular myth that can never be achieved. Balance is in the eye of the beholder.



Even if you spawn items with mods like runic, it will not have have the exceptionel bonus so crafted items will still be better. Still it will be more useful as now.

[/ QUOTE ]

I haven't compare the exceptional bonus between looted and crafted items and i assume you are saying about the extra resists and DI due to GM arms lore.
Yes. Runics are definitely more useful after the significant publish that make crafter useful again.


I agree Bods take to long time. Yes you can kill a mob in 3 shot but maybe you need to kill 50 to get a nice item. As it stand no, there is no nice/useful items from the overland spawn and I doubt there is any from the old dungeons.

[/ QUOTE ]

50 mob to get a nice item or buff up the mob. (edited not possible to have both)
This will start new threads with titles "Drop Rate too Low!" or "Mobs are too tough, need too long time to kill!"


Hunters do not sell peerless resources to crafters, they use them for their mule! True crafters never see this resources.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, just came across this thread


I did leave the existing mobs on the Trammel facet for younds first training, but I fear they will get very little joy from them

[/ QUOTE ]

Notice you did mention Felucca, the old Britianna. If they can make the mobs spawn differently on each land, they can buff up the toughness of mobs in Fel and let them spawn randomly and roam freely. It will be fun. Imagine finding Balron in Britain, Lich in Vesper and in the midst of pvping in deceit, we have a wild greater dragon appearing. I believe it's the predictability and repetivite action that makes the game boring. And that's where the risk of entering Fel came in. Risk of meeting different mobs at different time and place and risk of meeting red players.


Felucca players are usually into pvp, perhaps the uber critters can spawn certain items like mystic stone (1 use) which can +2 MR or +2 SR or +2 HPR for 10 sec? on top of the cap. This is something usable, invisible, disposable and sellable.

[/ QUOTE ]

That could be ideas, but they have to stack

Items that will increase something skills, resist or something else for 10 mins would be useful and sell.
maybe 25 point in a skill for 10 min or 25 resist. And you can only use one skill scroll at the time and one resist scroll at the time.

[/ QUOTE ]

OMG! You have just make a 100K item worth 1m gold!!!


I would say that the change should be on L4-5 karma monsters or else no one will be able to use felucca to train in.
I trained all my chars there becous its less people.


Hey Freja,

Ignore the Fel part i reply to you, dun think the idea is very encouraging for more players to go into Fel.

And well.. i think i sidetracked a lot.
I forgot about the goal of hunting.
Why do ppl hunt in UO? For fame, for karma, for virtues, for gold, for resources, for loot. So after going one big round, ermm.. 80% players hunt for the loot?
So if there is crap loot, nobody will hunt?



I would say that the change should be on L4-5 karma monsters or else no one will be able to use felucca to train in.
I trained all my chars there becous its less people.

[/ QUOTE ]

You could train on the animals, the mongbats, rat- and lizard men, the brigands, there would be enought to train with but there may be more players around if more challende and better drop.

The strenght of the mobs in Felucca is the same as before AoS but chars are stronger now, more resists upto 120 in skills.



Hey Freja,

Ignore the Fel part i reply to you, dun think the idea is very encouraging for more players to go into Fel.

And well.. i think i sidetracked a lot.
I forgot about the goal of hunting.
Why do ppl hunt in UO? For fame, for karma, for virtues, for gold, for resources, for loot. So after going one big round, ermm.. 80% players hunt for the loot?
So if there is crap loot, nobody will hunt?

[/ QUOTE ]

The idea about roaming monsters is not bad but Trammel would need it more as they have no PK's

Yes players hunt for loot but also for fame
A greater version of all Felucca mobs would do, just careful with making them tameable. I like the Greater Dragons but it was a big mistake to make them tameable.


Not no buy HELL NO!! We have too much loot now. Gold should be a 1/4 of what is is now.. Magic items should only be on one in 20 magical creatures..



Not no buy HELL NO!! We have too much loot now. Gold should be a 1/4 of what is is now.. Magic items should only be on one in 20 magical creatures..

[/ QUOTE ]

Meh...monster loot has been garbage forever. They don't need more gold (I'll agree they need less), but the items are complete and total crap. How often do you pick up an item from a dead monster corpse and say "Gee...I think I'll use this for PvP!" We're talking regular, everyday monsters...not high end Doom and Peerless garbage.

I think items of all tiers should be obtainable from the lowest end monsters (excepting animals). It should be the point system like tokuno, take a lot more kills to get the same item as you step down each difficulty level on monsters.



I think items of all tiers should be obtainable from the lowest end monsters (excepting animals). It should be the point system like tokuno, take a lot more kills to get the same item as you step down each difficulty level on monsters.

[/ QUOTE ]

I would like to see that, maybe it could work same way with fame.



Not no buy HELL NO!! We have too much loot now. Gold should be a 1/4 of what is is now.. Magic items should only be on one in 20 magical creatures..

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes we have to much loot but it is all crap. Now I'm speaking about Felucca, not the new facets.
If you go hunt overland or lower levels of the Fel dungeons, you may get a little money but nothing else useful other than maybe a little resources.

I think the drop of money in Felucca is fine, and the drop of resources are ok too.
It's the drop of magic items that is to poor.

I hunted a little on overland of Siege, think half I killed was Dark Wisps, they are a little stronger than blue wisps and agressive. I don't know their fame level but as Dread I get no fame from them.

Here is what I got, the red mods are to low to be useful:

<pre>6032 gold coin
bracelet bushido +11 musicianship +5 enhance potions
bone gloves stamina increase 3 hit point regeneration 1 lower mana cost 3%
wooden shield <font color=red>energy resist 1% </font color=red>
studded sleeves hit point increase 2 mana regeneration 1
platemail gorget stamina increase 2 lower mana cost 1%
hammer pick mage weapon -26 skill hit mana leech 14% <font color=red>swing speed increase 5%</font color=red>
bone arms stamina increase 1 reflect physical damage 10%
double axe spell channeling <font color=red>hit stamina leech 6%</font color=red> faster casting -1 swing speed increase 10%
bracelet <font color=red>damage increase 4%</font color=red>
pike <font color=red>hit lower attack 2% damage increase 13% cold resist 4% </font color=red>
cutlass mage weapon -26 skill hit life leech 22% hit chance increase 7% swing speed increase 10% <font color=red>damage increase 1% </font color=red>
ring <font color=red>wrestling +4</font color=red> enhance potions 10%<font color=red> energy resist 3%</font color=red>
double bladed staff <font color=red>hit lightning 4% hit life leech 15% physical resist 4% </font color=red>
hammer pick fire resist 7% use best weapon skill
leather tunic mana increase 5 stamina regeneration 1 mana regeneration
crossbow hit lower attack 34% <font color=red>damage increase 8% </font color=red>
bardiche spell channeling <font color=red>hit stamina leech 2%</font color=red> faster casting -1 <font color=red>damage increase 17%</font color=red> use best weapon skill
short spear <font color=red>hit fireball 10% hit life leech 2%</font color=red> hit chance increase 2% <font color=red>poison resist 5%</font color=red>
bracelet focus +2 energy resist 10%
leather leggings mana increase 4
bardiche lizardman slayer <font color=red>hit lower attack 8%</font color=red> swing speed increase 15%
bone gloves mana increase 2 lower reagent cost 3%
wooden shield self repair 2 <font color=red>energy resist 1%</font color=red></pre>

I removed the resists but think all know, the resist sucks badly. Now if at least the magic mods was useful on a few of the items.
Lets say we changed it so there would min be 40% intensity
Fame 5 could give 50-100%
Fame 4 could give 40-90%
Fame 3 could give 40-80%
Fame 2 could give 30-70%
Fame 1 could give 20-50%

I would not mind to get fewer items if a few was worth to enhange

imported_Tina Small

Freja, I'm not trying to discount what you're saying. Since you are on Siege, I would imagine it is probably pretty rare that you would do PvM hunting with armor that has a lot of luck on it to improve your chances to get better loot. Do you use the anniversary sculpture that bumps up your luck for an hour and has that helped any?

Just out of curiosity, if you had the ability to influence the developers to choose between faster spawn rates or better loot in Fel, which would you choose? And do you think the answer to that question should be different for Siege than for other shards where using luck armor for PvM hunting is much more common, at least among veteran players?


The Dark Wisps and Changelings are definitely among the most fun things to fight (while on a mage; I'm not sure if they are as fun to fight when on a dexxer. The wisps become to simple on production, for sure, with the use of a pixie swatter).

Well, if EA will promote DND in Doom, with a random spawner room, perhaps you could get them to work on "random encounters" as well



Freja, I'm not trying to discount what you're saying. Since you are on Siege, I would imagine it is probably pretty rare that you would do PvM hunting with armor that has a lot of luck on it to improve your chances to get better loot. Do you use the anniversary sculpture that bumps up your luck for an hour and has that helped any?

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't know about the anniversary sculpture, but it sounds useful. You right, there is not much luck on my armor, I go for items that can keep me alive without being to expensive.


Just out of curiosity, if you had the ability to influence the developers to choose between faster spawn rates or better loot in Fel, which would you choose? And do you think the answer to that question should be different for Siege than for other shards where using luck armor for PvM hunting is much more common, at least among veteran players?

[/ QUOTE ]

The spawn rate is fast enough, there is enought to kill but I think the overland need some small spawns of harder monsters like the liches spawn near Yew. We have Water elements near Cove but they are to weak.

There are alot of unused forest, the lumbers do not need the deepest forest, there are room for some spawn spots. Maybe something like the ant holes, that only spawn if you get to close.

I want more fun spawn with better loot

imported_Tina Small

See if you can get your hands on one of the anniversary sculptures, Freja. You don't have to carry it with you. Just put it in your house and set the access to anyone so all your characters can use it. If you spot one in someone else's house, you can use theirs if they have set the access to anyone. Your luck is boosted for an hour and I believe the amount of the boost is based on how old your account is (more luck the older the account is). If you can get your luck above 400 or 500, even for an hour, and go hunt some of the harder stuff, you may be pretty pleased with the results....something decent and/or enhanceable in the loot every couple of monsters.

Have you considered hitting up the Homare-Jima or Isamu-Jima gates in Tokuno? I know you're probably having to run just about everywhere, but there's some pretty decent tougher spawn close to both of those gates as well as scattered healers and shrines for rezzing.