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And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my guild


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when here is the list of items i gave to his museum

efrett statue 10 mil
ghost anchor 20 mil
demon statue 15 mil
rare irish wiskey 8 mil
smugllers lantern 5 mil
40 pofs couple mil

and the list goes on and on funny how i dont see any of these things being returned to me i guess items are worth more than freindship to you ehh fun tony ??o well.


Crazed Zealot
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

tony is without a doubt the single most trustworthy person I've come across on pacific. I've never had a problem with him in like 5 years of knowing him.


Lore Master
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Your pricing is off.

Pink Floyd

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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Your pricing is off.
qft also how much of an attention grabber could you be posting random shopping lists of things you've "donated" (obviously for recognition or you wouldn't be bragging about it here) to make yourself look like some sort of golden god or whatever you guys are roleplaying now


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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

yea my pricing is off i did kinda low ball it, and its not for recognition or bragging but to use as an example on how mr fun tony operates when it comes to using people... for his own benefit once again notice how you dont see any of these things being returned after he left my guild oh well some people just use others for stuff its there way in life. even blade returned some things that i let him have when he was in the guild guess hes got more class than fun tony does who knew....

attention graber!!!! no one posts here for a week i make a post and im the attention grabber more like the savior keeping stratics alive rofl . plus my avatar is sicker than yours rofl


Crazed Zealot
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Doesn't this forum require like a certain age minimum?


Lore Master
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Your pricing is too high.
And if you give something as a gift, it's a gift. You shouldn't expect it back. Giving something to someone doesn't have conditions on it because it's a gift.


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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Gave to his mueseum ..... Gave being the operative word

I have known Tony around 6 yrs, never once has he demanded items from me... I've given stuff to him and lots of other ppl on shard but never once do i ask for them back if im in the guild or not.


Stratics Veteran
Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

I have know Tony for the last few years and I have donated stuff to his museum and traded items with him as well as buy and sell stuff with him. I have never felt cheated in any dealings with him and will continue to work with him in buying and selling and helping him set his museum. If Tony decides to have a rares fest on pacific as he was talking about last month, I will have no problems donating, selling or buying from him.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

attention graber!!!! no one posts here for a week i make a post and im the attention grabber more like the savior keeping stratics alive rofl .
This was a worthless post.

I would have rather had another day of no posts. That would have been a much better use of my time and everyone elses.


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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

To give to a museum would be considered a donation, correct?? That is the part of this thread that has me completely baffled..

I donate to cancer research all the time, yet I don't go posting on the breast cancer site asking for a refund because they haven't found a cure yet.

As for your thoughts about Tony, I think you are barking up the wrong tree. I've known him for quite some time now and he has never been anything but helpful. Help each other out any time we can. IMO you are trying to berate an absolutely A+ person on Pac, and that doesn't fly with me or many many others.

Plus, he uses punctuation!! Gotta love that!!


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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

whats so difficult about returning my items? all you people are doing is encouraging him to been selfish and greedy by not rerturning the items.
hey i mean if thats the way you are fun tony then by all means keep the items...

and just because it dosent involve you flipping a coin nabin dosent make it wothless


Lore Master
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

whats so difficult about returning my items? all you people are doing is encouraging him to been selfish and greedy by not rerturning the items.
hey i mean if thats the way you are fun tony then by all means keep the items...

and just because it dosent involve you flipping a coin nabin dosent make it wothless
What point is it to give someone something if you just want it back when you are apparently not friends anymore?
A gift is a gift. If you gave me anything, I have no obligation to give that item back to you because of a spat because you GAVE IT TO ME. It's like a mother telling their kid "your were naughty, and now I'm taking that christmas present I gave you away."
What obligation does he have to give you back a gift? None. You shouldn't give people things with conditions on them.


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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

im glad you find this situation so amuzing beefy and how you seem to enjoy standing on the outside pointing your finger and giving us your opinion and laughing.

What you need is a good story so what ill do is share one with you see there was a freind of mine who had got a rare set of red event bones easily worth over 60 mil he gave them to me as a gift so i could put them on display at my house. After about a month or so he asked me if he could have them back so that he could put them at his house since he found a nice spot where he would like to place them. I "knowing that the red em bones werent mine to begin with with out a doubt gave him back his bones and thanked him for the time he let me use them for display at my place and every thing was good. Of course my moves are that of high class society. Im just trying to see what kind of class fun tony is in its blatenly obvious what kind of class beefy is in.

Im just trying to see how much he cares about our freindship is there some kind of problem with that beefy now that your looking so classless?

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Im just trying to see how much he cares about our freindship is there some kind of problem with that beefy now that your looking so classless?
We all learned in grade school what it means to Give someone something...

THis would for sure not be the way to evaluate how much someone cares about your friendship. I would put this effort into the "I am trying to burn the bridge"

Friends deal with thier issues together and dont involved the rest of the world in the drama.

Pink Floyd

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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Of course my moves are that of high class society.
In high class society people generally try to avoid writing run-on sentences.

edit: and I didn't know there were "classes" on UO. I wonder what class I am in since beefy is so below you?


Lore Master
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

im glad you find this situation so amuzing beefy and how you seem to enjoy standing on the outside pointing your finger and giving us your opinion and laughing.

What you need is a good story so what ill do is share one with you see there was a freind of mine who had got a rare set of red event bones easily worth over 60 mil he gave them to me as a gift so i could put them on display at my house. After about a month or so he asked me if he could have them back so that he could put them at his house since he found a nice spot where he would like to place them. I "knowing that the red em bones werent mine to begin with with out a doubt gave him back his bones and thanked him for the time he let me use them for display at my place and every thing was good. Of course my moves are that of high class society. Im just trying to see what kind of class fun tony is in its blatenly obvious what kind of class beefy is in.

Im just trying to see how much he cares about our freindship is there some kind of problem with that beefy now that your looking so classless?
Are you sure your friend gave you those bones, or asked you to hold onto them? If it had been me, and I'm soooo classless, I probably would have asked "didn't you give them to me as a gift?"
That probably would have stopped the conversation.
I think that kind of giving was called "Indian Giving" back in elementary school. Which is exactly what level of class this is - 3rd grade.


Stratics Veteran
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

In my experience, Fun Tony is two faced, a cry baby, and ungrateful. I would have never given him anything to begin with.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

This thread was much better when it was quietly sitting here and going away. I think the people of Pacific are much better than all this drama so let's all have a group hug and move on. Please..


Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

A guy takes a UO Vacation and it all goes to hell.

Hello Pacific.

Hey Count, its been a long time.
Just want to toss in my two cents on this post since i know both of you guys.

#1.) I have the opinion that if something is donated its a done deal.

#2.) I understand the loss of any level/value of item in uo.

#3.)Having said 1 & 2 - I also have the opinion that no item in any game is worth drama or a bad reputation.
If somebody wanted something back so badly that life would come to a screaching halt - i would readily return said item(s).

In summary I like both of you guys and its not easy for me to read the back and forth banter. My best advice is appreciate the friends you have and move on.

Cheers :beer:

Emil Ispep

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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Go Bears!

This game is gonna be better than the suprbowl..

Yes there are different classes in uo.. there are those who play this game, and there are those whos names shall not be mentioned lolz ;}


Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

Brendo gave me stuff that was worth a whole lot more than all that trammy garbage, and never so much as batted an eyelash about it. . . Even when we played in different guilds for a very short while. (what like, 72 hours?)


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

trammy garbage we get our demon abyss statues from abysal a feluca spawn
i mean im sorry if you never got to play stygian abyss but your just sounding out of the loop bro...


Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

trammy garbage we get our demon abyss statues from abysal a feluca spawn
i mean im sorry if you never got to play stygian abyss but your just sounding out of the loop bro...
I was actually the VERY first player on pacific to pvp with a gargoyle. Ask anyone who is anyone who Steve Zissou was.

Moving on, I don't care where it came from... Deco = trammy garbage..
end of discussion.


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

You know you woke up this morning and just had to say trammie garbage to someone anyone dosent matter who where or why didnt ya gemma how sophisticated rofl :stretcher:

why do people always think im trying to give them a hard time?


Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

um.... what?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

I was actually the VERY first player on pacific to pvp with a gargoyle. Ask anyone who is anyone who Steve Zissou was.

Moving on, I don't care where it came from... Deco = trammy garbage..
end of discussion.
my gargoyle is cooler then your gargoyle.


Seasoned Veteran
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Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

you called my items that i gave to island museum trammie garbage

i called you unsophisticated..

what part dont you understand ? :pint:

worth noting my items have not been returned and my freindship with fun tony has been ruined over his greed , placing self importance over team...
of course there is no i in team but then again there is a me in team ehh crzy delicious?

just remember who told you not to trust tetracyde and did you listen to your freind count silverbow noooooooo and did he take all those millions and millions of gold from your casino yeeeassss ... well alea saved some of it for you but thats only because shes a kind soul. i wonder if you even rewarded her for her act of honesty. ?


Re: And this person has the nerve to say i demand everything from the people in my gu

you called my items that i gave to island museum trammie garbage

i called you unsophisticated..

what part dont you understand ? :pint:

worth noting my items have not been returned and my freindship with fun tony has been ruined over his greed , placing self importance over team...
of course there is no i in team but then again there is a me in team ehh crzy delicious?

just remember who told you not to trust tetracyde and did you listen to your freind count silverbow noooooooo and did he take all those millions and millions of gold from your casino yeeeassss ... well alea saved some of it for you but thats only because shes a kind soul. i wonder if you even rewarded her for her act of honesty. ?
Guy who can barely form a sentence calls me unsophisticated.. Got it. Thanks.