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[Discussion] and possible price check on Paragon Forgotten Servant Chests

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A while back the Forgotten Servants at the Wyvern Renowned mini spawn were all spawning as paragons. Just like the Ilsh paragons on occasion they would have a chest as well. At the time several of us were all trying to collect all the names ( http://stratics.com/community/threads/paragon-forgotten-servant-names.257169/ ) we could and there seemed to be a random name generator as the names were endless. I had to take a break from game and Stratics due to personal issues shortly after that and was wondering if anyone ever completed it.

Also I know there are tons of collectors of named chests out there and was wondering what kind of ballpark you would put these in.

Forgotten Servants.jpg

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm Pyre? Cool, that one had to be tough to get. This is the worst fight I have ever had for a dadgum chest....

Purifying Blood Elle.jpg

.... and yes, they are still spawning ;)


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd pay 5M per or trade 1 for 1 for other Forgotten Servant chests I have. I love the solid color like the ones in Luna and don't care for the 2 tone ones but I keep ones I don't have for trading.
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