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[Discussion] and PC: Ethereal Hiryu


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Over the last couple years, I have adopted a Jack Kerouac-like approach to Ultima Online:

"If you own a rug, you own too much..."

SO, in the next installment of "Lykor's Big Sale", I'd like to introduce the elusive Ethereal Hiryu!

I'd like to get a general idea of what you guys think this dude is worth.

Please try to keep this on topic! There ARE legal, there are very few (I know of two), so let's keep those type things at bay or in another thread :next:

So, here he is. Craftuo says he is a 3.4 which I know isn't spectacular, but hey, let's not kid ourselves.. that is NOT the point here! :thumbsup:



Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Ya, my feeling is this is a billion gold piece baby - at least...

And actually 3.4 is a pretty respectable rating for a rare pet of this nature.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just curious... I see he's not bonded, which may be due to that an ethy doesn't need to eat? if that's the case, does he die?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just curious... I see he's not bonded, which may be due to that an ethy doesn't need to eat? if that's the case, does he die?
Easily explained.

He certainly can and has been bonded.

There was a prospective buyer that was trying to tell me that the hiryu was a lesser NOT a regular hiryu.

So I put the hiryu on my 120 bushido guy to prove that I could not ride him.

When I did this he unbonded.

He has been on Catskills and I have pvped with him and he dies and resurrects as any other pet does and has kept his ethereal state.

I wouldn't sale it or risk my reputation on it otherwise.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Is there any Vet Rewards which you can get this Ethy Hiryu as well?


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there any Vet Rewards which you can get this Ethy Hiryu as well?
Sure you can get an ethy hiryu as a vet reward.

But it is just like other vet reward mounts.

Can't fight. Can't bond. And you can't un-mount and still see. Etc etc.

So sure, you can see them all the time for 10-12m.

THIS is obviously something very different if people are price checking at
1 billion + gold, right?