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(RP) Ancient Treasure Rediscovered


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Lord Elladan stood before the Massive Hearth, soaking in the warmth from the fire. Sir Roland, the Housecarl, entered quietly owing to his years of training among the Assassins Guild, long before He swore fealty to Lord Elladan. Even so, Lord Elladan showed no sign of detecting Sir Roland's approach as He always did, revealing to Sir Roland His Liege was deep in thought.

Knowing from personal experience it was unwise to come to close to Lord Elladan unannounced, Sir Roland cleared his throat slightly and was greeted, "Come Roland, approach at ease. What matter is so urgent it can not await the morrow?"

"Mi'lord, a Messenger arrived and delivered this chest with instructions it be opened by Thee alone." Their eyes locked briefly and Lord Elladan saw there the acknowledgement the chest was absent all traps or intrigue save its key hanging from the attached chain of gold.

"Return upon the tolling of the two bells next, Roland, for if this be what I hope you may not see any sleep this night." The key fit perfectly into the lock and the lid of the chest eased open. Within were three items, one clearly a single parchment upon which was written, "Lord Elladan, per your Commission we have scoured both Archives, those in Castle British and those Lord Dupre stored in the Library of Paladins at Trinsic. See enclosed the Royal Grant."

Beneath the Letter were two Large Scrolls bound in finest silk ribbons, one Ribbon clearly dipped in the Color of Lord Dupre, the other was unquestionably the Royal Ribbon of Lord British. Lord Elladan smiled for the first time in many days. Though the Scrolls merited the greatest care and respect, Elladan removed the first as tho it were in fact a Holy Relic. Loosing the Seal Ribbon of Lord British, Elladan unfurled the Scroll. At first glance Elladan, elated, recognized the Writing and Seals and rejoiced, that feared lost or destroyed, had been found.

Elladan read anew the Royal Land Grant issued by Lord British following the Battle in which Trinsic was freed and restored to the Crown following its invasion so long ago:

I, Lord Cantabrigian British, Rightful King of Britainnia, Declare by mine own Hand and Seal, this Grant of Land to Lord Elladan Faeryn of Trinsic, for His Honor, Valor, and Blood demonstrated and spent in Service for the Freeing and Restoration of the City of Trinsic to Our Realm.

The accompanying survey maps left no doubt of Elladan's claim to the lands overlooking Trinsic.

Unfolding the Ribbon encircling the second scroll revealed a precise copy of the first scroll clearly written and sealed by Lord Dupre.

Carefully closing and binding both scrolls, Elladan placed them lovingly into their Capsa and back into the Chest which he locked.

Thinking aloud as he strolled from the room "It appears I may have something to place before the Royal Council next week."