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[Discussion] Ancient Order of Vampire [AoV] Guildstone (Who wanted this?)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As I stated in a previous thread, our pug managed to desk surf and eat/destroy some of my notes. Most of these notes were things people wanted me to keep an eye out for, but some were the "if you ever sell this... " variety.

I've looked through my ICQ list and my PMs and I can't find any messages (it may have been in-game). I know it was the player of Juliet in-game as they had bid against me in Nails Auction for it. I remember actually knowing this person, but damn if I can remember who it is. They wanted the stone for their 'evil-themed' house and I'm thinking it was female. I have put up a few ICQ status alerts over the last month with no response.

Anyways, this is my 'ad in the newspaper.' If you were Juliet in Nails' Auction and still want this stone for your "evil themed house", please contact me asap :)

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*bumping again* Please PM me or post here if it was you that asked me to contact you if I sold it.