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An Unmarked Recall Rune

GG Allin

Stratics Veteran
Hello again hive mind,

I recently participated in an idoc on chesapeake server. Fel castle crashed the server three times. I made it the last time and got the following items. Looking for price checks and to pass on said items. I searched as much as I could for these, could not find anything at all about the christmas carrols. Got a bunch of the 2010 xmas stuff as well. This item doesnt seem to fall into that category even tho i have been told it does..... If I could just get a clarification how it connects to the 2010 items.

Jars seem to be server birth 2 stone. correct me if im wrong.
Bowl of nails comes up as a seer item bug from 1998.

I am also in search of "Jamison Torts Kercheif". I spawned this 1 of 1 and sold it at a rares fest in maybe 2012-2014 cant remember. Regrets.....


Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is another resource to help you distinguish server births. It is very dated, but was last updated in 2004 and lists the items considered server births at that time:

Please note that some of the items in that database have since been made available to players, such as the hanging chainmail legs (Underworld puzzle), large and small vases (Minotaur champ boss), straw pillows (bugged treasure sand), etc. Also, there have been several versions of dename bugs throughout the years, where things like gossamer (from past Halloween event) becomes "feathers", and the monster stealable items become "bottle" and "flasks".

As an example, you can commonly find the first three items here on VS listed as server births, but you will very rarely, if ever, see the 4th one because it is an actual server birth, whereas the others are usually denamed monster stealables (Balm of Strength, Balm of Wisdom, etc.)

1624984795404.png 1624984812646.png 1624984827848.png 1624985077463.png

Lately, I see a lot of folks throwing the server birth tag on a lot of items that either spawned heavily at one time or still spawn but are not well known, just to jack the price up a couple hundred mil.

The true definition of a server birth is an item that spawned only when the lights first came on. So there should be at most, what, 16 copies of original server births (not accounting for duping).

Things like playing cards, thin hay, wash basin, bloody water... were not server births. They were monthly spawns. The server used to go through a daily maintenance and a monthly maintenance which was a tad more extensive. Things like full jars, thick hay, tall candles, and fruitbaskets would spawn with every day maintenance (from Occlo, Khaldun, Deceit, and Yew respectively) where as a pretty hefty list of cool items would spawn monthly. Are they still rare? Yes. Are they server births? No.

Monthly rare spawning stopped with UO: Ren.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
copy that thanks. everything in this idoc got my keen eye. I had a decent source for my info.... i thought.... View attachment 120439
If you look at the picture the jars are facing a different way for the SB ones. Yours is facing the other way that still spawn. Not sure if you can change facings on them never tried mine.

That castle did crash think 4 times only I only found out about it when ICQ kept going off that the shard kept falling. Sad to see Brains stuff gone. Still trying to reach him irl. To see if he is ok.

I know I did better before the one revert came out with 4 or 5 em items. Could have lost more to dieing before I could insure them.

And am sure some items where lost on body's.

The unmarked rune I think is just a name bug item

Dryzzid of Atlantic

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you look at the picture the jars are facing a different way for the SB ones. Yours is facing the other way that still spawn. Not sure if you can change facings on them never tried mine.
Good catch.. I had not noticed that. If they were facing the other direction they would be rare, imo. Not sure if it would be a monthly or SB. One cannot turn the spawning version:



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good catch.. I had not noticed that. If they were facing the other direction they would be rare, imo. Not sure if it would be a monthly or SB. One cannot turn the spawning version:

View attachment 120445
I never tried to turn them. I think I did own the ones facing the other way back in the day but lost them when I left. I do own the spawning one. Never got into the jars and such had a set of the flasks and such but unloaded it when they became crafted items