As most of us know, pvp is extremely unforgiving for new players and people that might otherwise might enjoy it can be turned off fast. Can't they create something like a reverse training doll? Have something in your house that can cast general pvp mage spells on you (at random), maybe mortal too, so you can practice your healing timing. Most mmo's have a system in place so your new players won't be instantly annihilated. UO pvp has a steep learning curve, and something that can help you learn healing timing, spell timing, and apple timing would be an excellent tool to help new players. Also it would help pvmers stay alive longer, which would increase overall pvp activity. I think it would be used by a lot of people, even if they don't admit it.
Also yes this is a post for the 50% of us (maybe less) that don't run healing/pot scripts when pvping.
Also yes this is a post for the 50% of us (maybe less) that don't run healing/pot scripts when pvping.