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[Discussion] An Idea for the Community

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the moment, the rules regarding not naming scammers, hackers and cheaters appear to be firm. Most of us hate this rule, especially in the painful memory of what occurred during the Pacific Rares Festival. While we can work on petitioning a change to that rule, what can we as a community do in the meantime?

A suggestion. What if we asked Tomas to make a sticky thread explaining what occurred (without names) and a list of the stolen items and their known quantities? While it may not stop the selling/buying of the items it would at least be a method to warn potential buyers of the potential history of the item. It doesn't create a long term solution as items will trade hands eventually, but at least for now it is something as a community.

*puts on a flame-resistant suit* Please don't hurt me. *whimpers*


Lore Keeper
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Oh my goodness someone is actually proposing a s-o-l-u-t-i-o-n, color me amazed!

Athelas [Treasure Trove] Museum, Atlantic


I understand people are sensitive about this because it is recent..

But, how many items that we own have been scammed/duped at some point? It's very hard to tell often.. And after thinking about it, I think that rule might be there for the best. I've had individuals call me a scammer/duper for absolutely no valid reason (some post in this forum).. So to keep the hes a scammer/shes not to a minimum, maybe the rules are okay. It's late, so I hope this makes decent sense.

I'm not sure if this forum setup has an easy way to do something like this.. But perhaps a thread/system where *positive* marks are allowed or tallied up somehow would be beneficial.

Negative marks could be easily abused, and should probably be avoided, but a fair # of positive marks would help indicate a decent buyer/seller.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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An item list from rare festival heist can be stickied with appropriate warnings.


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A suggestion. What if we asked Tomas to make a sticky thread explaining what occurred (without names) and a list of the stolen items and their known quantities? While it may not stop the selling/buying of the items ...
Why not? this forum cannot add a new rule?
* Items on the Duped or Stolen list cannot be post for sale or buy.

The stolen glasses can be added to the list, and then no one could buy or sell them here. If there was another unique item it can be added to the list.

ps: on the sticky thread without names.. maybe he can use *hints* like.. "the guy with green lantern" or something like that :lol: