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Amonos sends Urgent request for all the Guards to meet

Sonoma EM Feed

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Stratics Veteran
Amonos re read the paper. D’Kettling Greystone had been sited in Ilshenar. His informant said he was bold and speaking out against Humans. He had made allegations of a theft.
What to do? There was much happening in the Cities here. He needed to be here keeping the raiders under control. They were getting more and more out of hand. He stood up and head for his door. The captain would instruct him on his course of action. He walked up the central hall of the barracks that separated the privates and ensigns from the officers. Bob would be in his office.
As Amonos entered the room Bob looked up. Quickly Amonos snapped to attention and saluted.
“I received this just now from our *cough* Informer”. He handed the parchment to the Captain
“Call the guard” Demanded Bob.” You will need to find out as much as you can from this Greystone and then investigate the barrels.”

Guard presents is requested Wednesday April 4 In the Serpent’s hold Royal Guard Hall
Time : 6 PT 7 MT 8CT 9 ET

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