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Am I Missing Something?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Training up a fire steed (just went to 3 slots). Wanted to add mystic, AI and dismount but I can only add mystic and AI. Says some magical abilities can act a (2) of my 3 options which would only allow me to add 1 more ability...in this case AI. Is this correct or am I missing something?


Stratics Veteran
Magical abilities have to be added last to fire steeds as they have the innate move, dragon breath. If you add magical first or second, dragon breath is counted as a third. If you add mysticism last then you can have 2 abilities and dragon breath and still pick up mysticism.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
awesome...was hoping id keep it for the added bonus between that and AI. thank u very much I appreciate the info