To Tel Mar?....You can now use moongates to access the Royal City. Is that what you mean?
Well, Ter Mur.... maybe your EM has a funny accent?To Tel Mar?....
I think you are missing the point....Yes, sir. :-D
As part of the global "First Contact" event, Queens Dawn and Zhah meet for the first time, ally their respective kingdoms, and link Britannia and Ter Mur via moongate. Cool, huh?
Oooh, lol. I see it now. Hold on, let me find my hat...I think you are missing the point....Yes, sir. :-D
As part of the global "First Contact" event, Queens Dawn and Zhah meet for the first time, ally their respective kingdoms, and link Britannia and Ter Mur via moongate. Cool, huh?
Ter Mur....Tel Mar....
The text is from an Event Announcer on my shard FYI