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alot of people in my discord channel aren't getting the earrings anymore


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
did they shut them off or something?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope still getting on LS. But players have had dry spells here and there.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Okay...in the dark here....I need to get in game more!!!! lol

What are these earrings and how and where do you get them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay...in the dark here....I need to get in game more!!!! lol

What are these earrings and how and where do you get them.
Yukio's Glass Earrings. They have 125 Luck and 15% SDI. You have a supposed 1 in 8 chance of receiving them as a reward for doing the Where Is Yukio? quest. Heads-up: You have to kill 181 critters each time you run through the quest, which is repeatable. I ran it 44 times and received a total of 4 sets of earrings. Right now I am trying to decide if the grind is worth another run....

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Yukio's Glass Earrings. They have 125 Luck and 15% SDI. You have a supposed 1 in 8 chance of receiving them as a reward for doing the Where Is Yukio? quest. Heads-up: You have to kill 181 critters each time you run through the quest, which is repeatable. I ran it 44 times and received a total of 4 sets of earrings. Right now I am trying to decide if the grind is worth another run....
4 out of 44 is within expected drop rate for them, you could get 2-3 more in the 20 runs and hit the 12.5% chance of getting them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
well I have one set out of maybe 15 runs so I assume I am in the RNG, just not enough time in the day, I will try for another set once the grandkids go back to school


Stratics Veteran
with the price going down to 120 mil...way more easier to buy them and farm things more $$$ and funny for the rewards and time consuming


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
14 runs (2 characters - mystic tamers) and got 4 earrings on ATL. On Legends I ran 3 times (3 different chars) got 1 earring reward. Concentrating on training new pets for the next event/s now instead of grinding this quest.


Crazed Zealot
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This quest is entirely too grindy and boring. I hope to get a pair tomorrow for my tamer/weaver then not going to look at this eff again.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This quest is entirely too grindy and boring. I hope to get a pair tomorrow for my tamer/weaver then not going to look at this eff again.
Yep, I am not getting earrings anymore because I value my time. I play to enjoy the experience. Whatever this thing is, it's not enjoyment.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand. The whole of UO is a "grind". Even crafting is a grind. What part of UO is not a "grind"? Any game where you get armor it's the same idea, kill stuff, have a chance for an item.

All of these things are easy to kill. Even yamandon. Yamandon was difficult when I was wearing ToT armor but not now.

What do you want? Clickies to get stuff. A grind would have been doing the quest once per toon.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand. The whole of UO is a "grind". Even crafting is a grind. What part of UO is not a "grind"? Any game where you get armor it's the same idea, kill stuff, have a chance for an item.

All of these things are easy to kill. Even yamandon. Yamandon was difficult when I was wearing ToT armor but not now.

What do you want? Clickies to get stuff. A grind would have been doing the quest once per toon.
the only part of UO that isn't a grind is the character creation process.

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya, call us crazy. Hubby and I have ran this almost 170 times now between the two of us, 27 pairs of earrings. Discord Tamers with fully built Cu's can do the quest in about 20-30 mins each time.
I'm not sure if "Crazy" even starts to describe someone that has done the quest 170 times. :thumbsup:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand. The whole of UO is a "grind". Even crafting is a grind. What part of UO is not a "grind"? Any game where you get armor it's the same idea, kill stuff, have a chance for an item.

All of these things are easy to kill. Even yamandon. Yamandon was difficult when I was wearing ToT armor but not now.

What do you want? Clickies to get stuff. A grind would have been doing the quest once per toon.
In crafting there is thinking involved. And yes, a lot of UO is grind, but there are good and bad ways to do it. An example of a good grind is the way pet spawning stats worked prior to the revamp. People were content to farm GDs trying to find better and better ones literally for years. Another one that could have been is if after the pet revamp they either made separate pet powerscrolls or did not have pet powerscrolls at all. People could have spent years experimenting with various pet/skill combinations. But since PS supply is extremely limited, once you have your fully scrolled pet or two, you know that whatever else you make without scrolls will be inferior, so there is no incentive to do it.

This quest chain is so lazily bad it could be used as an MMO meme. Keep killing hundreds of meaningless worthless mobs for a small chance of a good drop. I understand that they want to stretch the content and their #1, 2, and 3 ways to do it is grind. Maybe, someone at BS should remember that this is a sandbox, and the best and most efficient way to do content is to introduce new mechanics, like they did with the pet revamp. But with the new mechanics, you might need to balance things (oh horror!), so here we are, genociding kappas one peaceful village at a time.
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I don't understand how this "grind" is any different than trying to get a halo from Doom or 120 tactics from spawns or taming a rare color Cu. It's all random outcomes that could take days/weeks/months to get what you want.

At the end of the day nobody is forcing anyone here that thinks it's a grind to do the quest. If someone thinks it's such a tedious grind then that person can feel free to do some other tedious grind to make the gold to buy the earrings; ie go genocide the entire Cu population (including paragons) for 1000 hours until a blaze spawns then sell it for 5 plat and buy all the earrings you want.


I don't understand how this "grind" is any different than trying to get a halo from Doom or 120 tactics from spawns or taming a rare color Cu. It's all random outcomes that could take days/weeks/months to get what you want.

At the end of the day nobody is forcing anyone here that thinks it's a grind to do the quest. If someone thinks it's such a tedious grind then that person can feel free to do some other tedious grind to make the gold to buy the earrings; ie go genocide the entire Cu population (including paragons) for 1000 hours until a blaze spawns then sell it for 5 plat and buy all the earrings you want.

"Work" is emulated in a persistent MMO, like Ultima, in the form of RNG. In a game that is always on, always moving, it's a necessary mechanic in most systems otherwise the 24/7 nature of this beast will quickly see markets saturated.

Everyone gets everything right away is not very appealing to most mmo gamers.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did about 40 odd, got 4 then just could not face doing more. Even though it takes about 25mins on a Samp its just not worth the low reward chance..........


Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Supporter
I did the quest 5 times got none. Then I started to do Champ spawns ... with those scrolls sold I can buy all the earrings I need ;)
I did something similar; With so many scrolls from champs and pinks from Corgul, I managed to buy 2 and I am looking for a 3rd to go on a vendor at Legends.
Better way to spend my time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I did it once on Atlantic (after about 20 runs on Sonoma) but using my Atlantic Cinderella
and got it on the first time. I decided not to continue on Atlantic.

My count on Sonoma... I did the first run with my husband and we both got Yukio's Bonsai.
He wasn't very happy and I couldn't get him to go again... The next time (2nd run) I got the earrings.
I told my husband the next one I get, I would give to him, for an early birthday gift haha. He told me that I would never get it, because it being for him. After about 15 times, I decided to give him the one I had on Sonoma (because I hadn't gotten my Atlantic one yet). And again he told me that I would never get me another one. After 20 runs I decided he was probably right, but continued anyways because I still hadn't gotten my glassblowing tools. And finally on run 28, after the guild had left for the night, I got the earrings. My husband was asleep and the guild had gone for the night, so my dogs was the only ones who celebrated with me... the look on their faces was priceless.

(I fell last fall, which has made it difficult for me to sit for long periods. So being able to do this many runs is wonderful. I didn't get to do very much of the other events. I almost went bankrupt, buying up Dungeon Ice drops. at one time I only had 26K lol)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just gotta hang in there, I had 34 when I got my first earrings ------ then ------ I got 3 in a row, got a bonzai and on next one got another earring. However, I've done a lot since that and it seems I have the normal amount, i had a really dry run where i did over 50 runs and got none.