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Alliance Dropping Issues

  • Thread starter Slab Hardbody
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Slab Hardbody

For the past week we have had issues with our alliances dropping, regardless of which guild is the alliance leader. Our faction guild has been dropped from 4 times in less than 4 days, and our non-faction guild was dropped from it's alliance 3 times in the past week. I'm the gl of the faction guild, and also the alliance leader, yet we were dropped from our own alliance. Changing the alliance leader hasn't helped either and we still keep getting dropped.

Is anyone else having similar issues?

Salya Sin

WOW! That bites... they correct one thing and break another. Did anyone send in a bug report or page one of our OH SO HELPFUL! GMs?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would post this on uhall. I have a feeling you will get better confirmation over there.