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All Settings Not Saving (Desktop)?



Perhaps a minor problem, but nonetheless frustrating ...

Everything displayed on my user interface saves when I log off, except that I'd like for my character's backpack to remain open and the radar being displayed when I log back in. Sometimes the radar will be displayed, but the backpack will be closed; sometimes the backpack will be open, but the radar will be hidden. Even if I set these properties in the character's settings file, they will not function when I log in.

For example, if I set this:

<MapState mode="radar" />

The radar will be "hidden" when I log in. When I log out after opening the radar and check my character's settings file, this is what I see:

<MapState mode="hidden" />

Another character on my account has the setting correctly updating and the radar is always present.

What should I do?

P.S. I am using the Enhanced Client under Windows Vista Home Premium, and as Administrator.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There was a bug awhile back that if you logged in with your map open it would crash you. I think the developers made it where the map is always closed when you log in. As for the backpack, not sure...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps a minor problem, but nonetheless frustrating ...

Everything displayed on my user interface saves when I log off, except that I'd like for my character's backpack to remain open and the radar being displayed when I log back in. Sometimes the radar will be displayed, but the backpack will be closed; sometimes the backpack will be open, but the radar will be hidden. Even if I set these properties in the character's settings file, they will not function when I log in.

For example, if I set this:

<MapState mode="radar" />

The radar will be "hidden" when I log in. When I log out after opening the radar and check my character's settings file, this is what I see:

<MapState mode="hidden" />

Another character on my account has the setting correctly updating and the radar is always present.

What should I do?

P.S. I am using the Enhanced Client under Windows Vista Home Premium, and as Administrator.
Rather than troubleshooting,
1) Rename the profile of this char with bugged radar (add a .bak extention or something)
2) Then make a copy of the working char's profile and rename it to match the name of the char in 1 (ie, without the .bak)

If you have different macros, you might need to re-setup these macros.

The profiles for EC are stored here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your windows login\My Documents\EA Games\Ultima Online Stygian Abyss\User Data\Your UO account\Your shard\
There will be a file there for each character name. These files do not have a 3 letter file extension.

To keep the backpack open, you need to download and install a mod. Can't remember if all the mods has this, but I know the Copper mod (maintained and compiled by Dermott) has this function for sure.

Check the EC client forum at UO Enhanced Client beta discussion - Stratics Forums for help on downloading and installing the mods.


Thanks, Harlequin. I have the Copper_Enhanced mod already installed. I copied the working profile and renamed, etc. as you suggested. After updating the macros in the new file, all seems to be working well. :)


Thanks, Shamus.

I remember hearing about that bug. I thought it was fixed. Anyways, I never have the map open when I log off since then. I just have the radar displaying.