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[Gardening] All my baby plants vanished into dirt :(



So I had about 5 bowls going, just started them about 2-3 days ago. They were all showing "vibrant seedling" in "soft dirt" except two which I over-watered and were in "squishy dirt".

I'm almost 100% sure I checked them yesterday and it was still the same so I left them as is. There were no red marks anywhere that I could see.

I log in now and all I have are 5 bowls of hard dirt :(

What happened? I would have expected them to go to wilted or dying before just packing it up completely.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry about your plants. :( I think when plants are just starting to grow, they can die easily. You mentioned that you didn't see any red marks, but yellow signs are indicators too. For example, a yellow plus sign means your plant needs attention. Do you remember if you saw anything like that?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to check them every day. A red sign means that item has needed attention twice.

The babies are easy to kill. Plant new ones and attend to their needs every day.

Good Luck