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All armors should be meddable.




I would love to wear something else then leather or samurai armor. I mean what's the point that we'r restricted to use these parts, making everything else just pretty much useless compared to these armor parts?

I would like to make cool looking suits, but now I'm forced to use either leather or samurai...

Why leather and samurai armor get 6th mod for free? (mage armor). I mean, if I use my valorite hammer making a platemail arms, I get 5 mods. If I make platemail Hiro Sode, I get 6 mods. 5 mods from valorite hammer + mage armor. Why? It just makes no sense... It just restrics us to using those armor parts. I rather take meditation instead of focus to a warrior too for extra mana and use refresh pots/stamina leech since using nonmeddable armor has 0 advantage.

So why do we even have mage armor mod, when leather and samurai armor get the mod for free, and get zero disadvantage for it? Why these armor parts can have 6 mods when others only 5 ?

I suggest get rid of whole mage armor thing, and make all armor meddable. Let us look cool again, let us make individual looking suits again, give us our freedom of choosing what to wear back. Don't force us all look alike. Back in the days using plate instead of leather had disadvantage and advantage, now only disadvantage.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i understand, it used to be metal armor was better in stats.. now almost all metal armor is useless..


i understand, it used to be metal armor was better in stats.. now almost all metal armor is useless..
Only King Casca's guards still wear plates nowadays. We worked our behinds during last spring 2008 turn ins for a Knight's full armor but just the same it was very useless except for show.

Make all armor meddable? Count me in on that.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah.. do it!! Sooner than later!
If leather armor can have as high protection as metalarmor I see no reason why you should not be able to med in metal!

BTW Metal rules! \m/ :D (Up the Irons)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nerf Leather armor protection and stay away from metal armor.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or allow imbuers to add the Mage Armor mod without it counting towards the cap.


Either raise non-medable armor's base resists or allow non-medable armor a 6th item property slot.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah, medable armor now trumps all else. Even with all my humans with the JOAT 20, I want medable armor.

What if they listed the medable property as part of leather armor so it would count against the mods you can add? Thus when imbuing rolls around, non-medable armors can hold one more property than leathers can.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Was waiting for someone to say something along the lines of

1) Med-able good. Non med-able bad.

2) Some armour are more meddable than others...

Actually, making all armour meddable would still not make people chose metal armour more (coz they are heavier).

I would suggest metal armour gets better resists, but remain non-meddable.
While leather armour are med-able, but don't get the bonus resists.

Since mage armour is a 100% intensity property (taking examples from imbuing), logically, the resist bonus metal armour should get should be 15 (100% intensity for a resist).

Both these base bonuses shouldn't reduce the 500% imbuing potential. But imbuing mage armour to metal armour should reduce the imbuing potential by 100.

That way, the armour type players chose will make more of an impact.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Wearing an entire suit of non-meddable armor should give the character a small damage absorption in PvM, similar to that gained by using a Sawmp Dragon.

Make it, say, 5% or 8%, and cap out damage absorption at 20%. So that way you can get the full effect from a Swamp Dragon in GM barding alone, or have a fully non-mage armor suit and a Chief P's Swamp Dragon, or you can just wear non-meddable armor and not worry about hitting the cap at all.

-Galen's player


Stratics Veteran
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Either remove the meditation limit on metal or add 5-10 resist points to it. One way or the other.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fail... Metal armor should not be medable. Instead of changing metal armor to make it medable, they should be changing it to make it worth wearing.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All armors medable, yes please. I wanna make myself a bone armor suit because it looks badass. Like a virtual version of some anorectic person.

Wiffle Dust

good god.lets jus go with let mongbats pop doom arty. why not go with, give more mage armor drops? think about it how you gona meditate with 100 pounds of metal covering your body??? im aginst. this is jus another give me everything post. next someone will say "why not? i pay for it" if all you wanna do is look cool then why does it even matter?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend

What about having a large difference in ...
... the rate of wear and tear? (make medable armor much more fragile)
... the stamina loss from being hit? (perhaps based off the STR requirement?)
... the imbuing cap? (make innate medability cost the same as having mage armor / spell channeling)


maybe the non-med armor can have a chance at parrying attacks. 1% per piece, so you get an extra +6% added on to your parry chance for exceptional pieces. this would exclude samurai armor as their bonus would be mage armor.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good god.lets jus go with let mongbats pop doom arty. why not go with, give more mage armor drops? think about it how you gona meditate with 100 pounds of metal covering your body??? im aginst. this is jus another give me everything post. next someone will say "why not? i pay for it" if all you wanna do is look cool then why does it even matter?

ok then 100 lbs of metal should give you 80 resists instead of 70.
also make it go above 255 durability, say 300.. or 400.. it is metal, not leather :)

and if you mix and match, your still 70. gotta be all metal or nothing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nerf Leather armor protection and stay away from metal armor.
QTF. Leather should have some sort of penalty - like 2x dmg from concussion blows or something.

Logicially something made out of metal should protect you better than leather.

I mean - one good fireball at your leather armor and you are toast. No?

Only in UO is leather = metal for protection.


QTF. Leather should have some sort of penalty - like 2x dmg from concussion blows or something.

Logicially something made out of metal should protect you better than leather.

I mean - one good fireball at your leather armor and you are toast. No?

Only in UO is leather = metal for protection.
How about platemail samurai armor? They still get mage armor...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How about platemail samurai armor? They still get mage armor...
Yes, and
* They take ingots to make which is way more expensive than barb leather
* They require a high end runic to make a good piece wheras a BRSK can be had for the price of a gold hammer
* They require mad skill to make EX so you can waste runic charges
* They require very high levels of STR to wear

4 Strikes against them is why you don't see anyone wearing it in battle.


Yes, and
* They take ingots to make which is way more expensive than barb leather
* They require a high end runic to make a good piece wheras a BRSK can be had for the price of a gold hammer
* They require mad skill to make EX so you can waste runic charges
* They require very high levels of STR to wear

4 Strikes against them is why you don't see anyone wearing it in battle.
* You don't see anyone wearing in battle? In PvP most of the armor weared is valorite hammer made. Dunno about PvM then. Heck, even my crafters LRC suit is samurai platemail armor...
* Require mad skills? 120 blacksmithing, ok talisman + 30 ASH, or no tally and +60 ash and ur 100 % exceptional, no charges wasted.
* Barbed kit gives 50-100 % intensity, when valorite gives 80-100 %.
*High levels of str? 85 str required max. Name one decent character that wouldnt have 85 str?

And platemail armor is just as hard to make as platemail samurai armor, and requires even higher STR (95), why doesnt it get the 6th mod like samurai armor?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Additional idea besides my earlier one.

To incorporate the damage absorbtion that someone mentioned - what if the damage absorption only kicks in only when a full set of the same type of armour is worn?

ie wearing a full set of 6 pieces of platemail = 6% absorbtion, full set of 5 pieces of ringmail = 5% damage absorption, full set of 3 pieces of chainmail = 3% absorbtion etc

6 pieces of leather = 6% damage absorbtion as well, 5 pieces of studded = 5% absorption etc

All the available pieces of that set must be worn for the damage absorption effects to kick in.

It'll also be a nice incentive for players to wear matching armour. Plus, it'll give newbies a boost (coz the older players will likely want to wear their arties instead of a full set of matching armour).

Stupid Miner

Yes, and
* They take ingots to make which is way more expensive than barb leather
* They require a high end runic to make a good piece wheras a BRSK can be had for the price of a gold hammer
* They require mad skill to make EX so you can waste runic charges
* They require very high levels of STR to wear

4 Strikes against them is why you don't see anyone wearing it in battle.
Well you wouldn't, but people with duped Val hammers like to make them.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
* You don't see anyone wearing in battle? In PvP most of the armor weared is valorite hammer made. Dunno about PvM then. Heck, even my crafters LRC suit is samurai platemail armor...
* Barbed kit gives 50-100 % intensity, when valorite gives 80-100 %...
Don't just compare 50-100% intensity to 80-100% intensity. That assumes a 1:1 ratio of BRSK's to Valorite Hammers. Maybe all the Duped Valorite Hammers have skewed the normal 30:1 ratio of BRSK's to Val Hammers, but if you get past all the cheating, I could make you hundreds more elite armor pieces with my 30 BRSK's than you could ever make with your single Val Hammer.

With the current equality of leather and metal, runic hammers should only be used to make weapons. Remember...you can't make weapons with a BRSK; only Runic Hammers (OK...Runic Saws and Fletching kits too, but that's another conversation). Of course this also assumes you aren't using a chest full of duped Val hammers.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't just compare 50-100% intensity to 80-100% intensity. That assumes a 1:1 ratio of BRSK's to Valorite Hammers. Maybe all the Duped Valorite Hammers have skewed the normal 30:1 ratio of BRSK's to Val Hammers, but if you get past all the cheating, I could make you hundreds more elite armor pieces with my 30 BRSK's than you could ever make with your single Val Hammer.

With the current equality of leather and metal, runic hammers should only be used to make weapons. Remember...you can't make weapons with a BRSK; only Runic Hammers (OK...Runic Saws and Fletching kits too, but that's another conversation). Of course this also assumes you aren't using a chest full of duped Val hammers.
Exactly Setnaffa! Thanks for spelling out my point in more detail so Splup gets it. Sometimes I think you are my long lost brother. :thumbsup:

Sure I'd love to craft with a val hammer but in 6 years of smithing - I have yet to hold one. Barbed kits? I have a stack in my house like a bowl of candy.

I'm going to sit by the Yew gate and count the leather armor pieces vs Sammy Plate. Anyone care to wager which one I see more of?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
* Require mad skills? 120 blacksmithing, ok talisman + 30 ASH, or no tally and +60 ash and ur 100 % exceptional, no charges wasted.
* Barbed kit gives 50-100 % intensity, when valorite gives 80-100 %.
*High levels of str? 85 str required max. Name one decent character that wouldnt have 85 str?
And leather armor requires roughly GM skills to make EX with no tally. Not every smith in the game has 120 skills and +60 ashes lying around. I do -but not everyone. There are more GM level tailors than 120 smiths. Trust me.

Intensity - already discussed

Yes all char have 85 str but when cursed sometimes str can drop below 85 depending on what cursed you and your resist etc. You can have 95 str and drop armor easily when cursed by Lady Mel.

Of course, I'm arguing with a PvPer that thinks everyone in this game plays for PvP. Its like arguing with my 4 year old. Reality is not a valid arguement in his narrow view of the world either.


Of course, I'm arguing with a PvPer that thinks everyone in this game plays for PvP. Its like arguing with my 4 year old. Reality is not a valid arguement in his narrow view of the world either.

And yeah, there's more GM tailor then legendary blacksmiths. Even more a reason that why leather should not have 6 mods and platemail only 5? Or on lower runics have 1 free extra mod.

And about samurai armor requiring high skill to make. How about normal platemail armor then? It still requires the same amount of blacksmithing as samurai platemail, but still gets only 5 mods and samurai plate gets 6.

Get your arguments right before going to personal attacks.


Don't just compare 50-100% intensity to 80-100% intensity. That assumes a 1:1 ratio of BRSK's to Valorite Hammers. Maybe all the Duped Valorite Hammers have skewed the normal 30:1 ratio of BRSK's to Val Hammers, but if you get past all the cheating, I could make you hundreds more elite armor pieces with my 30 BRSK's than you could ever make with your single Val Hammer.

With the current equality of leather and metal, runic hammers should only be used to make weapons. Remember...you can't make weapons with a BRSK; only Runic Hammers (OK...Runic Saws and Fletching kits too, but that's another conversation). Of course this also assumes you aren't using a chest full of duped Val hammers.
Ok, you are attacking me here... And why? Because you agree with me?

I'm saying here, it's stupid that leather gets 6 mods and platemail 5. And you seem to just underline how I'm being right here.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, who loses and what if all (crafted) armor pieces are made medable?