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[Discussion] All About Juka Bows - 1275 types


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
from the Xanadu Museum and information library, Chesapeake

First found in the 2002 scenario 3 publish, each Juka Lord carries a special brown bow which when modified has Slayer properties. There are 1275 different Juka Bows possible.

Juka Bows from before the Age of Shadows have distinct names, such as "A Blood Drinking Bow" or "Bow of Arachnid Doom". There were 24 slayer types originally but after AOS it became possible to also find "undead" slayers.

When first found, Juka Bows are usable only after being modified by a GM fletcher.

Some of the earliest Juka Bows retain another of the old Virtue Weapon traits, being labeled "a magic bow". Jukas are the only remaining items from the Virtue era to not have lost the original enhanced name labels- for example
all other emon Slaying weapons that once were labeled "of Exorcism" changed to "demon slaying". When AOS arrived jukas stopped spawning with the old names, or any names at all, thus you now have to modify the bow just to see what type it is. Although the Virtue names for new bows were lost after AOS, there is a side effect whereby if you modify pre-aos jukas they become a black juka with a second slayer property- a true Double Slayer. The second slaying ability can be any of the 25 types except it cannot be the same as the first.

There also exist modified no-name juka bows with no slayer ability at all. Zero Slayers- which when double clicked will say "that has been modified already", but possess no visible slaying ability at all.

These varieties exist:

24 named unmodified brown
24 named modified black
48 "a magic bow"
25 modern age modified black
576 named double slayers
576 "a magic" double slayer
1 unmodified new brown
1 zero slayer

The 25 typles of slaying abilities possible are/were: REPOND, oge, orc, troll, UNDEAD, ELEMENTAL, air elemental, blood elemental, earth elemental, fire elemental, poison elemental, snow elemental, water elemental, DEMON, daemon, gargoyle, ARACHNID, scorpion, spider, terathian, REPTILE, dragon, lizardman, ophidian, and snake.

at one point demon superslayers were removed from the slayer list and all existing examples were converted to daemon slaying- except for pre-aos juka