Angry the Mongbat
Proud Mascot Of
The Green Gargoyle Restaurant and Angry Mongbat Tavern,
(supported by the members of the Yewdale Fellowship Guild
ie Barian & Petra Fyde)
ie Barian & Petra Fyde)
Would Like to Invite the Residents of Europa Shard to
An Alfresco Buffet and Wine Tasting Event
An Alfresco Buffet and Wine Tasting Event
Saturday 3rd August
7.00pm BST (8.00pm CET, 2.00pm EST)
In the Grounds fronting the Tavern and Barian's Mall.
A wide variety of foodstuffs and beverages,
both domestic and exotic, will be served for your appreciation.
both domestic and exotic, will be served for your appreciation.