Should YOU be in charge, after the Stygian Abyss expansion is released and running and any problems ironed out, what would --> YOU <-- set as the new # 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?
As far as " I " am concerned, I would set as the # 1 priority before anything else the fight against scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in UO.
Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?
Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?
Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?
Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting
These activities just break the game for many others who may feel not worth it their time playing a game not clean of them and over the years, I feel, they have caused a hemorragic of subscriptions and holded off some to come back to the game.
I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.
As far as " I " am concerned, I would set as the # 1 priority before anything else the fight against scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in UO.
Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?
Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?
Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?
Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting
These activities just break the game for many others who may feel not worth it their time playing a game not clean of them and over the years, I feel, they have caused a hemorragic of subscriptions and holded off some to come back to the game.
I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.