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AFTER Stygian Abyss is released, What should become the #1 set priority for YOU ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Should YOU be in charge, after the Stygian Abyss expansion is released and running and any problems ironed out, what would --> YOU <-- set as the new # 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?

As far as " I " am concerned, I would set as the # 1 priority before anything else the fight against scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in UO.

Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?

Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?

Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?

Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting

These activities just break the game for many others who may feel not worth it their time playing a game not clean of them and over the years, I feel, they have caused a hemorragic of subscriptions and holded off some to come back to the game.

I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Something doable... Like a fuctioning guild map. *smiles*


Queen of The Outlaws
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Getting more players to play or close down some of the shards.

Get the info out about the game and the trial account, target should be all ages. May not only go for gamers but also other computer users who do not know, they would love play a game like UO.

And don't forget Siege Perilous, we really need love and lots of players.


Seasoned Veteran
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Fix issues and make the Game Time code site better.

I also agree with FrejaSP's comment ~ Game Promotion.

Pie in the sky wish would be a Halloween Themed Test center
[?Shard of the Dead III?]


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Add more depth to the game, instead of creating more dungeons and landmasses. And, of course, a Seafaring Expansion!



Leave damn near everything the same! WOW thats an idea.

IMPROVE on what we got, City scapes, Quest, New player content "thats were i think we are lacking".

Close down some of these shards, I dont know the EXACT answer, but alot of players will get hurt during this move, But if its for the better of the game, i really cant complain.

We dont need a classic shard, we dont need a "revert", plain and simple, just imporve on what we have ALLREADY!.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I would have to agree that I would like to see all cheats and hacks and scripting resolved first.

Then I would do everything in my power to balance out pvp a bit more and bring more people to Fel.

Lastly I would tweak all spawns to have better loot as well as make to to where you cold get an artie from any monster above the level of a reaper, not just peerless or Doom Gauntlet. I just think that it' silly that every dungeon except for a couple are empty. No one goes to them since there is no challenge and the loot is worthless.


Crazed Zealot
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Fix the new exploits/bugs/tricks that SA has allowed then fix the old exploits/bugs/tricks.

Then fix Classic UO client world map (mountain to grass tiles)

Joshua Ravenloft

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Should YOU be in charge, after the Stygian Abyss expansion is released and running and any problems ironed out, what would --> YOU <-- set as the new # 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?
Account hacking and scripting by a mile!

Oh! And a Pirate expansion.

Aha me heartys, tis a black spot I've just handed thee, aha! Now where did I leave that damn Parrot! :D


I think the first priority should be to finish the new client.
Yeah, not too likely it's actually going to be "finished" when SA ships. I guess if they're really gung-ho on keeping it, then they should at least finish this one and not leave it in late-alpha half-completedness like KR was left.

Second priority for me would be fishing & t-hunting.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1)Eliminate the hacks/cheats/dupes. I'm feaking terrified to buy things!
2)What Hawkeye said "Add more depth to the game, instead of creating more dungeons and landmasses." Which to me means, continue with the Ultima Lore, stories, theme. Re-visit the old areas and cleanup the quests. Add new quests. For example, if I go to Cove, I'd like to be presented with a new quest... something educational maybe, like lesson about Ultima... doesn't have to be a reward. Give me a title (like the slime-hunter comes to mind).
3)Blow up the Lost Lands and make housing available. Magincial style leveling! Lost Lands has to be the most confusing landmass of all. Winding passages, getting stuck all over the place... not fun. Also, Papua has glitchy shops with missing roofs. There needs to be a blackrock explosion there too... Haven style!
4)And, of course, a Seafaring Expansion! :sword: Pirates, cannons, seadragons, mermaids, ,whirlpools, underwater lairs!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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# 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?

If i was in charge. A Vacation right at release. I would be more useful on a beach with Chrissay and Mesanna serving me milk and cookies.

Fixed my picture for more animated fun.


As far as " I " am concerned, I would set as the # 1 priority before anything else the fight against scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in UO.

Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?

Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?

Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?

Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting

These activities just break the game for many others who may feel not worth it their time playing a game not clean of them and over the years, I feel, they have caused a hemorragic of subscriptions and holded off some to come back to the game.

I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.
You're all feeding his urge to repeat himself every time he posts. ;)


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Remove several lands, nix story arcs, end quest options, make more skills useless, reduce graphics resolution, add pets more powerful than greater dragons, and create new loop holes for scripters and dupers.

I just thought the opposing viewpoints should be represented. :p


I way to bring in new players , maybe a very limited FREE shard...:wall:

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Continuing work on my SA Copper UI skin and working on building an Enhanced version of said UI skin/mod for people to use with the SA client.

Right now I'm doing a redo of all of the icons found in the Actions folder for the skin, making them more in line with the UI skin theme I have, as well as redoing some graphically to be a LOT more user intuitive than the default versions are currently.

That is MY personal priority... the priority I wish the Devs would be working on would be the one in my sig


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the only thing i want fixed is when you donate to the library, i want the target cursor to repeat when you select the item you want to donate.. instead of having to reclick the menu, then item. i just want, click menu, item, item, item, item.. it would help me out so much :)
ugh i just donated 500 spell books, and that is 1000 mouse clicks.. :(


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
multi shard land where can interact fight run very hard spawn etc moon gates from each shard 100k price enter, only consumables in drops allowed taken out, suits u enter with cant be dropped traded

Should YOU be in charge, after the Stygian Abyss expansion is released and running and any problems ironed out, what would --> YOU <-- set as the new # 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?

As far as " I " am concerned, I would set as the # 1 priority before anything else the fight against scripting, hacking, duping and cheating in general in UO.

Who enjoys PvPing against others using hacks and cheats to gain advantages ?

Or who enjoys playing a crafter and spending time to get BODs or resources only to find that scripters got so many that prices drop so much to hardly make it worth it for a non scripter to bother with them ?

Why should one work hard to collect rares only until the next dupe drops their value so much that it may cause huge losses ?

Personally, I cannot think of anything else so important for the game than getting rid for good of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting

These activities just break the game for many others who may feel not worth it their time playing a game not clean of them and over the years, I feel, they have caused a hemorragic of subscriptions and holded off some to come back to the game.

I think that Ultima Online could be such a much better game if they stopped those things for good that it is a pity to still see them around.


Clean/ clear up the art and work on free accounts that will not have all the perks of paying customers (more than just for a trial) in order to entice players to the game.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I would say improving customer service would be #1.

That said that would include, Bug fixes, added account security, improvements to stop hacking, duping and scripting.

Improve gameplay so that folk don't get carpal tunnel from gameplay. Less clicks = happier players.

Get to work on 12th anniversary items! Put them out BEFORE Japan!... Work on Halloween content.... and start thinking about my Christmas gift... infact... have it ready to go WAY before...

Get better GM's. Put someone in charge of scripter warfare. As in add to the paging system.... this player is scripting... come watch his account...

Then.... before next year.... set to work on a new Pirate Themed expansion!.... Offer several "new" races... orc, dwarf, centar, and maybe even Jukka, Meer, and Lich!...

Fix and update the housing design menu by adding all those tiles that are missing, stairs like the red ones... need more options... roof tiles need more pieces.... there are how many corner tiles, edge pieces, trim and whatnot that could easily be added and should be.

Scrap the entire game and go 100% 3d. Keep all current content..... but drop everyone's home.... and place all their items in a "tranfer" crate... Then when you start a new game in 3d give them the "option" to import their characters... from all old accounts... give everyone a housing tool.... and let them go... Only have less shards to choose from in the first place.. and make them "themed" shards... for PvM, PvP, RP.... and the like.....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Get rid of speed hacking. and balance taming, get it the hell out of fell. I AM NOT A PEERLESS BOSS


Should YOU be in charge, after the Stygian Abyss expansion is released and running and any problems ironed out, what would --> YOU <-- set as the new # 1 Priority to address for the better sake of Ultima Online ?
I would reverse the order of "expansion is released" and "any problems ironed out". Swap those two around and UO will be better off.

As for afterwards, I would put all efforts into finishing the Enhanced client.


The priority #1 after SA is released should be... finish SA. You won't make me believe it'll be finished when released.
Hints: Customize house menus and placeholders for garg armor.


1. Destroy SA bugs, we know they will come.

2. Finish the new Client.
- Make high res graphics or something else
- make the map better, and work more like UOAM. (tracking)
- make chars move smoother and look less clunky.

3. Fight speedhack/cheats/hacks/dupe. The game won't have more succes before this is done. Well you can't fight it 100%, but limit it as much as possible.

4. Close down some servers, we are too spread out and it destorys lots chances for new communitys to rise. (I play EU and i don't mind if you close it down and i lose my house)

5. New or improved content.

Long live UO! :danceb: