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Afer 5 years.....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm wondering if any of you can help, over 5 years ago I left this game and turned my account over to a friend. I would like to if possible find a few people I used to play with and was hoping some of you may recognize the names and know where they might be. Some of the people I know were (spelling may be off) Ebalus, Cat'Rina, Dizzy, Gabby, Messiah and Deforciant we were all in a guild called Veterinarians of Britannia [VOB]. When I played I had a pally/archer called X, a tamer called Osiris and a bard called Amun-Ra.

Anyway If anyone know what happened to the guild or the people in it I would love to find them again :)


I dont know if the actual members still play, but I have seen VoB houses in my travels. Hope that helps at all in your decision.