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Advantage of teh Lesser Hyriu?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What point of teh lesser one over gweaters one? I mean, me got a bushido guy at 120 but no taming...I train teh hiryu an now me can'f use it as me need teh taming, so why my tamer use it?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a general rule the lessers can be made stronger than the average full Hiryu. If you get a top tier full Hiryu though you don't come out ahead with the lesser ( By top Tier I mean near max natural HP) Best I have ever gotten was 710 STR 550 HP SO you spend less points pumping str and hp up if it has enough dex stam to remain 150 post tame that is just bonus. Also having better than average resist 70/80/25/49/48. Anyway that trained out to 998HP 20hpr 9 sr 30 mr 8X Legendary max base damage and whatever I dumped in mana. Can't look since I sold that Turkey for a whole lot of goldies :) And it was the metalic blue to boot. Have yet to see a Lesser that can achieve that, but it is a 1 in probably 50,000 full that is that buff on the tame. It comes down to having to spend less points in one area so you can spend them in another with fulls. With lessers you just get more points to spend from 1 slot to 5 slot and can on average make superior war machines out of them.