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Black Majick

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Stratics Legend
So, I have not been around really any for the last 2 months. Have been busy moving and just relaxing with friends. The time has finally come though. I have four days and a bag drag. I leave for Lackland AFB for military basic training. Just want to say later to everyone and wish everyone an incredible summer. I will not be back around until the end of October. Hopefully then I will have some time to get on take SS of killing folks and yes, even give a couple. It has been fun playing with everyone. I have made some "in-game enemies" but never would wish a bad thing on anyone IRL. Everyone keep it real. Until 20 October!

PS. - Trinity give WU a good dirtnap for me! :lol:


Have fun man. Was fun fightin with ya. My bud just came back from the 'stan, so I took him out and got him silly drunk last weekend... here's to your homecoming


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My youngest brother just graduated from Basic @ Lackland in the end of April.... It sounded like LOTS of fun heh...

Things he learned (so said his letters...)

- Licking the food on your plate is worth it if you don't have time to eat it.... Avoid the peanut butter... PBJ slows you down when trying to wolf your food heh.

- Your MTI is always right....

- The correct answer is Always "Yes Sir / Mam" Getting Sir / Mam wrong is worse than forgetting to Answer lol.

- When the phrase "look @ the state of your Uniform" is used... DON'T look! Eyes front Always...

- Apparently the Airforce has hot girls in it... er umm... "Commrades in arms" I mean..

Anyway lots of luck to ya.. he's actually still there doing the schooling part & it's ungodly hot heh TX. FTL...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PS. - Trinity give WU a good dirtnap for me! :lol:
Hehe, he hasnt done it yet and quite possibly never well (his ability to 1v1 on the field is terribly low, just a bit better than Snake)... I do have a few that I dirtnapped him 1v1 1v2 and one thats 1v6 on actual ingame screenshots tho... rolleyes:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good luck to ya, hubby has been in 12 yrs, he hates it with a passion but it pays the bills. Hope they didnt talk ya into a crappy job n lie about it! We have been at Luke, Nellis, Creech and Holloman, if ya get to go to Nellis do it, Vegas is a blast! Have fun in TX, the heat n humidity will eat your soul!


Hehe, he hasnt done it yet and quite possibly never well (his ability to 1v1 on the field is terribly low, just a bit better than Snake)... I do have a few that I dirtnapped him 1v1 1v2 and one thats 1v6 on actual ingame screenshots tho... rolleyes:
Really??? Out of all he juss said that is all u could think about commenting on??? He's about to enlist in the service to defend u and all u have to comment on is a small little sentence about u dying in a video game??? Really???

Anyways, Steve good luck to u bud... Thanks for everything u are doing for us... MOST of us appreciate it...

Black Majick

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My youngest brother just graduated from Basic @ Lackland in the end of April.... It sounded like LOTS of fun heh...

Things he learned (so said his letters...)

- Licking the food on your plate is worth it if you don't have time to eat it.... Avoid the peanut butter... PBJ slows you down when trying to wolf your food heh.

- Your MTI is always right....

- The correct answer is Always "Yes Sir / Mam" Getting Sir / Mam wrong is worse than forgetting to Answer lol.

- When the phrase "look @ the state of your Uniform" is used... DON'T look! Eyes front Always...

- Apparently the Airforce has hot girls in it... er umm... "Commrades in arms" I mean..

Anyway lots of luck to ya.. he's actually still there doing the schooling part & it's ungodly hot heh TX. FTL...
I have heard all of those and while I am in basic training there are woman. They do not exist! They get guys in trouble...or so I have been told.

What is he doing in the AF? My Tech-School will be at Keesler AFB in Mississippi.

Also I have a set in stone job. Cyber System Operations 3D0X2. So I am psyched about it! Neways..just thought would stop in one last time...probably the last. Comp is getting torn down and put into storage so unless use someone elses I will not be around!

Everyone have a great summer and maybe when I get all settled back down in 6 months I might come back...who knows though!

@ Sean - Long time no hear man! I will look you up when I get out. Have to catch up man!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some people will do anything to get out of living in Oklahoma, but Mississippi...jeezs, you should have demanded somewhere on the West Coast and high speed internet access so your ping to Sonoma is lower. I'm sure it wouldn't have been a problem....anyways good luck.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Steve logged on today and saw this, wow is all I can say it has been a long time since we talked but I wish you the best brother and when you get out holler at me and Sapph we would love to hear about it all.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well dang Steve, I didn't get to say good luck.

Just don't blow all your money on booze and chicks.

As an 8 year Army Vet I know what I am talking about..