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adding poisoning skill to pets, plz help


I added poisoning to my mare and I didn't give it the poison breath just the skill . I wanted it simple for fun to just be able to dp and do firebreath and a special move with no magery, and main reason I went with poisoning is so the mare would be naturally resistant to the poison himself..... any hoo I trained it up to 100 poisoning and its not working great at all, was I supposed to give him poison breath so he has the poison immunity like my naja ?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Naja has poison immunity because it has 100% poison resist (you can see it in the lore gump). Mare does not have 100% poison resist. Poisoning skill allows your pet to poison the target. It does not confer poison immunity. Neither does poison breath.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep best you are going to do is 80% or overcapped naturally. Adding poisoning to a mare is not a route I would have gone personally, the mage mastery is a far better choice and will yield far more damage. But what is done is done and no going back :(