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added discord to my hiryu and the bushido dissappeared


Stratics Veteran
Is this a glitch or did I just do something stupid? How am I supposed to know that adding discord makes bushido go away?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's a Hiryu then its not ruined, they are actually Very good with 120 discord,
if it's a lesser Hiryu then yup, its animal feed.

(remember although the lesser looks like the better pet because of slots.......its sooo not :D )

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's a Hiryu then its not ruined, they are actually Very good with 120 discord,
if it's a lesser Hiryu then yup, its animal feed.

(remember although the lesser looks like the better pet because of slots.......its sooo not :D )
Interesting! What have you found to be the difference between a fully trained, 5 slot lesser vs. a fully trained, 5 slot hiryu?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's a Hiryu then its not ruined, they are actually Very good with 120 discord,
if it's a lesser Hiryu then yup, its animal feed.

(remember although the lesser looks like the better pet because of slots.......its sooo not :D )
Can you take those Midnight Blue inferior Lessers to Atlantic. I will take them so you can free up some stable slots.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well apart from hit points, base damage and stats capping out higher, they just generally seem to be better at using "skills" compared to the lesser. Disco works very well on mid-high end mobs.
I did more than a few tests on test and at the end i could see why the devs only gave them 3-5 slots as opposed to the lessers 1-5.

Now this was when Animal training was 1st in just after the "lets screw the Phoenix over patch" so they could have changed since then, just depends on who tells 'M'. Also i do not claim to be a "master" tamer, i just dabble and others may have better info.

Also i was under the assumption that the lessers only came in that greyish colour? ......or did i totally miss the joke ;)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are lacking in your Lesser Hiryu Knowledge.

Also, they have 4 colors besides the grey.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Probably, never cared for the lessers, their colours are fugly.
Just used google to find the 4 lesser colours....still wouldnt call them "colours" just 2 shades of brown and 2 shades of grey. ;)
Now my new "strong Green" one :heart: