Mr Artifact
as an honest player who doesnt cheat because i refuses to cheat it really burns me up when players cheat. i propose adding a cheat and exploit reporting forum section here. i am no taddle tale but i want to see cheating eliminated as much as possable. [/list] i am sure the dev teams are not fully aware of all the exploits and cheats going around. with this section we can make the devs fully aware by posting and explaining exactly how the cheat or exploit was done, what program was used to create the cheat or exploit , what undetectable cheat and exploit programs are out there and what sites they came from maybe we can even post a direct link to those sites that they came from. [/list] knowing is half the battle so hopfully if the dev teams become aware they will investigate and take the proper action to stop these cheats and exploits. i am sure cheating will always be a part of uo but lets narrow that down to a trickle.[/list] so not to teach other players how to do these cheats maybe only the user who post it, the people who run this site, and the dev teams will be able to read it if thats a problem