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[Selling] Account for gold


The War Hero

Account for Sale with these skills.
On greatlakes.

Char 1
120 bushido
120 archery
110 anatomy
105 healing
113 tactics
+25 stat

Char 2

92 hiding
73 stealth
89 tracking
50 chiv
106 ninjitsu
120 wrestling

Char 3
103.8 animal lore
103.1 animal taming
110 vet
102 eval
106 magery
100 spellweaving
81 med

On Catskills.

char 1
100 carpentry
103.6 tailoring
75 tinkering
100 armslore

char 2
79 magery
91 stealth
87 stealing
94 snooping
100 hiding
75 ninjitsu

Thats the basics, some skills may be rounded to the nearest whole point, make an offer in gold, I would accept runics or extremely high end armor, the account is 37 months old msg me for details or icq 587867277, not looking for much, just have this account laying around collecting dust