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Abyss house winners...


Salya Sin

The Mythic news release lists the following...

Napa Valley

Ranger of the Abyss (Britannia): beauty

Warden of the Abyss (Ter-Mur): fos-gar

I have PM'd the Gargoyle winner and hope to ask a few questions... does anyone know the other player? Are they on Stratics? Would there be any way for me to get in touch with them... I'd greatly appreciate it.

I'd like to take a tour of each house, take pics, and have a chat. This occasion definitely belongs on the front page for Napa!


Salya Sin

Ok... I'm still looking to contact the human winner. Does ANYONE know who this person is? If he/she has sold the ticket.. that's great... I still would like to ask a couple of questions.. then maybe talk to the buyer as well.
