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Abusive player causing lag in Luna, Oceania.



Some player has caused massive lag by dropping a large number of gold coins in one spot, at Luna Bank, Oceania probably by using wooden crates or something similar.

Can the EA/Mythic Dev Team please look into ways of stopping players from dropping large numbers of gold coins in one spot? This is abusive behaviour by a player, and Game Masters should be given the appropriate powers to remove large amounts of objects on one tile quickly.

I'm busy vacuuming this pile up with a horde minion but it is slow going with only one minion doing it.

Cheers ...



Reminds me of something similar that took place in Luna on Europa someday:

A player did cause extreme-lag by dropping Oilcloth on the same spot over and over. For example no object handles were shown when i pressed Ctrl-Shift.

First he did not answer me when i politely asked him to stop. Then i asked if it´s ok to page on him.
He stooped and told me he cant see the problem because on his machine Ctrl-Shift works fine. Must have been my connection.

After calling me newb, liar, whatever i decided to page on him


The rest of the night i saw him (and not a GM) cleaning up Luna:
1) Collecting his trillions Oilcloth in a container; 125 at a time,
2) carrying the container from the tailors shop to the recycle-chest
3) goto 1

A GM must have convinced him, that it´s his responsibility to clean up