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Absolutly Horrible event

  • Thread starter NorCal Uo Dealer
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

NorCal Uo Dealer

if i was maybe 5-6 years old like my kids i would enjoy a story for every event.. but i am not and i could care less about some "story".. this has been the same song on napa for some time.. the em's either need to step up to the plate or its time for them to step down


Aww, you're adorable!

This is the most stupid reason for disliking an event ever. "It has a story." You poor thing, did they make you have to read for once in your life?

EM Fiorella

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We are aware not everyone likes to RP, But last night was full of information about upcoming events. Is there a story line...yes. Has there been a story line... yes. We do our best to entertain everyone and keep everyone informed. But we also realize not everyone likes everything. We have as much feedback from those that enjoyed the event as those who didn't. Many people want to know why we're fighting X monster and what relevance the items from them may have. If you're not one well, this event wasn't for you. Can't please everyone all the time even as hard as we may try.

I'd also like to point out this was advertised as an RP event.

EM Fiorella

Salya Sin

Hey NorCal... I thought you were leaving us anyway? Last I saw you were selling out and taking a hike...

Soooo... that kind of means that you enjoying the event (or not as is the case) is a moot point. But then... I've been AWOL for a bit so maybe you decided to stay?

If that is the case... then be at the next town hall meeting and make suggestions instead of flaming something that you had to do NO work to get going... in fact... I'm fairly certain that an RP event costs nothing but your time... and if you didn't have the time to spend.. you wouldn't be playing...

Which brings us back full circle... are you still going to be around or are you leaving?