Im very impressed, especially as I have donated in the past and know first hand how tedious it is...
My only question is what's the point? I understand it was more about the journey than the destination, but why did they bother?
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First of all i did not like that the Zoo was empty.They use to be always animals monsters there but for months now its been empty, with now and then just a crane.I saw Tina's post about all the Zoo and saw Drach's all the way down there. So i thought, ok lets try to move up a few Tiers. my idea was just i Tier a week.
So i posted to ask for help but got no reaction at first.Untill someone said don't bother the shard is dead. It made me upset that i said i would do it alone.But i did get help, alot of help with taming and donations.And see what we did in just 2 weeks!
This was not about getting the best armor or weapons. This is not about greed. Its about we are not that dead as some wishes us to be.About peopel who worked together to reach one and the same goal.
Nobody cared if someone played in KR or 2D, no remarks on each other about what client is better . It did not matter if you play in Felucca or Trammel. It shows that these boards don't reflect the attitude of most people on the shards.We not all grumpy ,complaining people , who only think about there own selfish tiny world.
You can complain there is nothing to do.That we don't see alot of other people on the shard.Just sometimes we players have to make things happen.If you just stand at a bank all the time why bother logging in!
Sometimes we need someone who shake things up and make the fun.
And yes the Zoo donations are slow . And taming 1000's of unicorns can get dull after some time.But its not that boring if you have alot of nice people around you working on the same thing.Andn ot everythign should be easy, to many of us wants everyting in there pockets in a blink of a eye.Geuss what? For somethings you just have to make a effort.
Today we showed our shard is not dead and that there alot of good and nice peopel out there.UO is not alone about greed and cheaters.
We placed Drachenfel's on the map! Even if all points are gone by next week. We showed anything is possible with some effort!
Jessica will say "We need more unicorns!"