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[Auction] A Variety Of Items, Part 4


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi everyone, welcome to part 4, here are the rules!

1. All bidding must take place in the thread.
2. Any bids made in the last ten minutes will extend the bidding an additional ten minutes. The auction will end when ten minutes has passed without a bid. All bids in the last ten minutes and following must be in 10 million increments in order to count. In case this is unclear, the ten minute rule only applies to individual items, if bidding is extended an additional ten minutes that only applies to the item being bid on, not the entire auction.
3. Items have starting bids for a purpose, lower offers will not be accepted.
4. All items are on Atlantic and must be purchased on Atlantic, the buyer is responsible for pick up.
5. The owner reserves the right to pull an item if they are not comfortable with the final bid.
6. The owner reserves the right to refuse any bid.

This auction will end Wednesday March 16, at 10 pm central standard time.

1. Beginning Necromancy: A Guide To The Dark Arts, By DingoGroton (Blaze equipable spellbook) - Starting Bid 350 mill - 390 mill MrNiceMNC

2. In Recognition Of Outstanding Service To The Royal Guard (red sash) - Season 3 Napa Valley - Starting Bid 150 mill

3. Ice Shard (Glacial banana graphic, one of the few glacial items that is legal to sell on these forums) Season 4 Lake Superior - Starting Bid 200 mill - 200 mill ShuShu

4. Trapped Soul (Grey lantern) Season 5 Baja - Starting Bid 175 mill - 210 mill Assia Penryn

http://i54.***********/xdc85.jpg http://i54.***********/2iriio.jpg

Happy Bidding!

(Before anyone asks, no I do not come with the spellbook!)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Beginning Necromancy: A Guide To The Dark Arts, By DingoGroton (Blaze equipable spellbook) - 375 mill

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there Athelas,

I have noticed that you have a lack of smith items for sale.
Part1-Part4 auctions.
Are you sure you are not hiding something for us brave smiths?

The Scandinavian


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well to answer your question, yes these items are from a collection. I've never mentioned the name of the owner (although everyone has basically guessed) because I'm handling the auctions and I wanted anyone that had any questions to talk to me and not them.

I just see you and others posting "warnings" "be cautious when dealing with this seller"
You don't seem to understand the purpose of the warnings, they have nothing to do with duped items. It has to do with using caution when buying and selling. Not everyone is an honest and trustworthy person when making a large purchase.

I've been collecting a very long time and at no point have I ever seen any of the items I have listed for 50 to 100 mill and have made a point to auction off such items that cannot be sold on vendors. The collection itself is also quite vast and came from many different locations over the years, it wasn't just purchased all at once so stating that it is 98% percent duped would be unfair and incorrect.

In any case, as this is a sales thread if you have any further questions about my credibility or the history of items I suggest you pm me or perhaps start a thread of your own assuming you can follow the rules of the forum and leave the speculation at the door.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
day before last day folks.


Yes, I do come with the lantern.

But I think you will find it a double edged sword when I refuse to leave or shower.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lantern is extended ten minutes, ten mill increments from now on folks.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
4 minutes remaining on Lantern auction

Congratulations to the other winners!

Auvrea Corele

Well if you woulda just let me have it, you wouldn't have spent so much! Heh

CONGRATS none the less!! I'm jealous!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So did I win the spellbook for 390 mil since the last bid was not an increment of 10? If so I changed my icq since being here in afghanistan and you can add my icq by my email [email protected] Please let me know thank you :)