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[Auction] A Variety Of Items, Part 3! The try not to freak out edition!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Howdy everyone, welcome to auction number 3! Here are the rules.

1. All bidding must take place in the thread.
2. Any bids made in the last ten minutes will extend the bidding an additional ten minutes. The auction will end when ten minutes has passed without a bid. All bids in the last ten minutes and following must be in 10 million increments in order to count. In case this is unclear, the ten minute rule only applies to individual items, if bidding is extended an additional ten minutes that only applies to the item being bid on, not the entire auction.
3. Items have starting bids for a purpose, lower offers will not be accepted.
4. All items are on Atlantic and must be purchased on Atlantic, the buyer is responsible for pick up.
5. The owner reserves the right to pull an item if they are not comfortable with the final bid.
6. The owner reserves the right to refuse any bid.

This auction will end Wednesday, March 9th, at 10pm central standard time.

1. Dragon's Prod - Season 4 - Lake Austin. (Animated equipable blue torch) STARTING BID 500 mill

2. A Vial Of Daemon's Essence - Second prize given for a Costume Contest held on Halloween, 1999 in Skara Brae. Blessed. STARTING BID 175 mill lineman 175 mill

3. Royal Guard Battle Plans - Season 4 - Napa Valley. Starting Bid 100 mill. - hungry4knowhow 100 mill

4. Have You Seen This Criminal? - Judge Julius Dryden - Reward: 500,000 Gold Pieces (Wanted Poster: Gold Portrait of a Man) - Season 2 - Baja. STARTING BID 450 mill - blueturtle 450 mill

http://i56.***********/242ahjk.jpg http://i52.***********/n2mv6e.jpg

Happy bidding!

Ken of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Friendly Bump, to get it back on the first page ;)

Wish I could afford to bid on a couple of these items :gee:

Gotta save what's left of my gold for what I hope is coming soon ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Bumping these freaking awesome items


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Painting SOLD, thanks blueturtle, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jan 2011
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi ill transfer gold over when I get home from work tonight. Thxs