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Seasoned Veteran
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two souls join in love

lord kurdren & lady saphire wish for all to join them as they become bound
by the bonds of love .

this sacred event will be held this sunday , october 25th at 3pm pst for all
to see as a part of the official grand opening of the new fair grounds .

EM Fiorella will be presiding over the blessed event along with sir tedley to give his blessing as requested by the happy couple .

and may we all have fun and safe travels :)


the very best of luck, and happy hunting to the loving couple,beware honeymooning in the abyss try farmernashes fields for aparty favor, all manners of things pop up while trying to retrieve his pitchfork,got 2 ballems myself no raptors :(


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will try to go, If you guys need anything let me know, also I found 8 more roses so if you need them let me know.


five oclock

Wish I got some pics of the wedding...my camera got ate UGH..time to find a new one..

The wedding tho was great!!! Very well done..

Now if someone just stopped using my bear fur as a tissue...