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A Theater Rises


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wandering the lands of Sosaria recently I happened upon a curiousity.
An odd little man with a michevious gleam in his eye hailed me at the roadside.

After a few moments of polite conversation I asked him if the home under construction nearby was his.

He motioned me over and showed me the dimensions of his property, obviously very proud of his recent acquisition.

He told me a fantastic tale of building a theater for all of Sosaria to enjoy. A place where performances would be held for all to watch. Where folks from all walks of life could engage in displaying their talents for the entertainment of others. He explained the balconies and seating for the audience, and how people could come and audition, to see if a life on stage was in their future. As he talked I couldn't help but be distracted by his unique pet dancing about at his side.
" Why his name is Puck of course lass. " He answered with a sly grin, when asked the creatures name.

I inquired if I might mark a rune, so as to easily return to his establishment. I shared with him my love for a good tale well told, and remarked I would enjoy seeing one of his performances once his theater had been constructed. With his agreement I marked a spare rune and carefully placed it in my book, noting the odd name of the theater to be.

Remarking that he had to meet the stone workers I bid him farewell and went on about my travels. A theater! How exciting! To watch a story unfold on stage. But I pondered as I rode along. Robin Goodfellow. Hmm...and Puck...why do those names seem familiar? Perhaps a tale I had read in an old book?

Temptation Waits

It was about noon when Lady Temptation reached the library in Britannia. It had been quiet as of late and with her duties not as forthcoming, she felt she could take the time to look more into her past. Her hand gently traced the intricate pattern on the locket she now wore before she climbed the stone steps. Her green eyes scanned the room and glanced a woman who appeared to work there. With deft grace, she approched her.

"My lady, would you be able to assist me?", she asked.

Verity, looked up to the tall elf woman, "I can if you tell me what it is you need to be assisted with.", she answered with a smile.

"Very good, I wish information on elven heritage or geneology, in particular the Eladrin.", Lady Tempt stated matter of fact.

"I beleive I know just the place for you to start.", she led Tempt to a row of books, "Oh wait there were two men interested in this as well, I beleive they still have the book you need. Let us find them and hopefully you may peruse the volume as well.", Temptation followed the woman to a table where a man and an elf were staring over a book.

One of them looked up to the two women. "Verity? Is all well?", he asked her.

"Yes, however this woman is also interested in the same volume you are looking at. I brought her over so she may use the book as well when you are finished."

Sam smiled, "Of course she can." He motioned to Lady Tempt to join them.

She turned to Verity and thanked her for her assistance before walking to the two men. As she stepped forward the elven man looked up, his eyes met hers and she stopped in her tracks...


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tomas shuffles his feet as he tries to come up with a plan.

He had just heard, through the grapevine, the news of a grand theater in works - Semperoper. This made him very upset because he had been planning to open his own theater at [Treasure Trove] Mall for quite some time to attract more customers. However, his plans had gotten stuck because the owner of the house next door refused to sell it despite his best efforts to convince him. Tomas had even tried to intimidate the owner by hiring Dead Eye Dan and his gang to convince the owner to sell his property but all his efforts had been in vain till now.

"And now some ELF is going to beat me to opening a theater!!," exclaimed Tomas, while glaring at the house. "I must stop this! But how? They already have a property to build on. My source said they have even applied for a permit!"

"Thats it! I have to just make sure that the permit gets buried under the red tape. Make the system work for me. I just need to delay this long enough to convince Rave to sell me his house. Then my theater will have the advantage of being the first one."

With his mind set, Tomas heads to the permits office. But first, he goes to his strong box and takes out a seemingly heavy bag of gold. "This should come handy."

From the banker Tomas finds out that Oyo Von Eldrich, the person in charge of issuing building permits, does not even have a proper office and resides in the town provision store. Upon arriving there and witnessing the chaos in the store, Tomas immediately realizes that Oyo is most likely a man who is not happy with his situation and should be easy to deal with.

As he enters the store, his presence is immediately felt due to the rare and expensive clothing Tomas made sure he was wearing. When Tomas settled his gaze towards Oyo, he could see that the young man was fumbling over himself - probably thinking of the best way to greet him.

"Oh yes, this is going to be very easy,"
thought Tomas as he walked towards him.

Now that he could see that Tomas Bryce was walking towards him, Oyo started to panic. First he jumped out of his chair but then he sat down trying to appear calm. Finally when Tomas was standing right in front of him, he could not help but jump out of his chair again and greet him.

"Hello Mr. Von Eldrich. I was told that you are the man in charge when it comes to getting things done with building permits."

"Why of course, Mr. Tomas Bryce. How can I help you, Sir."

"Well, I am here with a complaint actually. You see, I have heard that your office has been requested to issue a permit for a theater recently. I would like you to not issue it as the zoning laws in the area need to be worked out first. I have been thinking of buying a nice quiet residence for me in the same area and a theater will just not do."

"But sir, we just issued a permit this morning."

"Now, come on Oyo. I am sure you can find something in the rule book to assist me? By the way, a man of your office should have a proper office. Remind me to put in a word for you,"
says Tomas as he drops a check on the ground.

"... Right sir, let me see what I can do."



Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Andrasta watched the young couple at the bar with some concern. She couldn't help but overhear the conversation that was going on in her new establishment as it was rather empty. The needs of the library were always getting in the way of her best laid plans. No matter, one day soon there would be a grand opening to announce to the world and the peace of the place would be a pleasant memory.

Andrasta listened carefully to the fellow as he plied the maiden with more elven cider. Seems he was opening a theatre in Malas and was looking for actresses. He was promising to make the pretty young woman the next theatre sensation.

Andrasta decided to remain silent and send out her associate Fand to find out if this young man was for real or this was another attempt at taking advantage of the local youth.

The last group to pass through Sosaria to solict funds and assistance had turned out to be phoneys and thieves only interested in lining their pockets with other people's hard earned gold. Andrasta thought sadly of the days when people supported their communities with patronage and honesty. She walked across the road to the library to find Fand...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
" Ok lads. That's it for today. Back to the barracks with ya. The rest of the evening is yours. But....BUT, " she shouted to be heard above the hoots.
" I expect to see all your gear bright and shiney in the morning so tend to it first! "

The clanking of armor faded as she made her way down the cobbled streets of Trinsic.
Still smiling at the sudden revival of her exhausted troops she turned into the Provisioners Shop.

" Oh Lady Sterling! It is good to see you again. What can I do for you? "

" Some beeswax. And some bread and cheese if it is fresh still....Beth? Is that you? " Laughing she embraced her friend.
" How are you? And the baby? "

" Oh Sterling you haven't heard yet! It was twins! And yes I am fine and so are they. Aaron and Kimberly. They are happy gurgly little ones to be sure. " Her smile faded a bit as she looked about the room quickly.

" What? " Sterling looked about the room. The others were working, yet following the conversation and smiling.

" Oh it's that new man they set up in here. " She shook her head frowning.
" He scolds us for talking about our families. Pompous bitter little man he is too. In charge of building permits he says, but I have my doubts. Oh! My yes! I should tell you! "

Lowering her voice a bit she confided in her friend.
" There was one come in here. A merchant. Finer clothes I have never seen.
He was very interested in a permit issued to an elf that was to build a theater. Can you imagine? A theater! Oh how I would dearly love to see a stage production...anyway. This man said he wanted a nice quiet home near this theater, and didn't want it built! That Permit granter did everything but kiss his very feet! Then!! Then!!!! The merchant, Tomas was his name, oh so casually drops a bag of gold on the floor near that fool and tells him he will put in the good word to see that he gets an office! Then off he strolls. "

" What did this...Building Permit man do then? " Sterling frowned.

" Well he scoops the gold right up and out the door he runs! I am sure that poor elf will never get his theater now! "

" What is the name of this Permit Granter Beth? " She nodded to the clerk who passed her purchases to her.

" Oyo Von Eldrich "

" Really?! Well well....I think I know someone who may be interested in knowing the doings of this lout. But let us talk of more pleasant things. What color hair do the twins have? "

Sterling nodded to the lad holding her mounts bridle and turned to the road leading out of Trinsic. Hopefully she could catch Lord Raven at home. If not she would leave a note asking for his advice in this matter. Breaking one of her own rules she removed her helm, spurred her horse, and let the wind whip through her hair as she galloped through the woods.

Leaving her horse to graze in the lawn outside she leaped the steps to find Lord Raven himself coming down the steps from his study.

" Sterling! What a pleasant surprise! How goes the battle? I hear the Vanguard are attacking the outlying towns? "

She nodded at Akira as she slipped silently down the steps in the Lord's wake.

" We push them back to find them returning M'lord. It will be an ongoing battle I fear before we defeat them entirely. But I have another matter to discuss with you sir. "

She told him of the doings of Oyo and the merchant.
" I knew you would be interested M'lord, as we have had dealings with this cad before sir. If you wish I can report it to my superiors and let them deal with it. "

" Hmm...what is he up to? A elf and his theater?! Why I am backing that project! So Oyo has sticky fingers does he. Let me check into this Sterling. No need for you to get involved if it is not needed. You have enough to deal with training these lads for the battlefields. If I need to I will have you report it. But perhaps there is another way to handle this. "

" Very well M'lord. Just let me know if you need me. I must be returning. Take care. " Bowing quickly she headed out into the evening.

Lord Raven turned and smiled at the lass standing quietly listening.
" Akira, I need you to look into a few things for me...."



Chai-Sung peered around one of the many corners of Moonglow Bank. Her Britannian was poor, but the word “theatre” and “actresses wanted” spilling from Sam’s conversation grasped her attention immediately. She straightened her back, dusted down her dress and pretended she had not been listening as she snuck out of the bank in silence.

A clock in the distance let loose a declarative chime: Evening was close. She made her way to the moongate slowly: She must not be late for father. Her arrival in Tokuno was less than welcomed. A mist of the elderly inhabitants wandered around like a somnambulist band, their eyes boring into the back of her skull. Chai-Sung began to run, rapidly approaching the considerably large building which contained her father. Upon arrival, she kneeled on the dirty ground and said her short prayer. She opened the iron door with its daunting handle and stepped inside on a light foot.

Her breathing was far from steady; it echoed throughout the spacious hall that lead to her father’s chambers. Chai-Sung padded her way through diagonally across the room in a somewhat graceful manner. The next set of doors came – These ones big and oak, giving off a scent so strong and overwhelming. She stood and looked at them for a moment as they loomed imperatively above her.

The door creaked slowly back.

After a long and aching ritual of helping her father eat, change garments and finally rest his head on the many, many pillows adorning his bed, Chai-Sung began tapping her path back through the mansion resemblance and down the steep steps. She could not help but ponder over the situation on her traipsing through the woodland as she slowly progressed back towards Moonglow. Her father insisted she be a diplomat for important figures, and she did desire it. However, the idea of being an actress on a big stage toyed with her, as it would with any other young woman of her age. The lights, the make-up, entertaining the men and not the boys, showing true beauty through one single performance. It was a chance she could not pass up. Even if her culture thought different of the situation.

A smile was fixed on her face the entire way back, and her skipping pace made it blatant.


Richtor Darkbane


Richtor wondered what he was doing there, why had he been drawn back to this place? The images flashed in his mind, dark and dreary, it was hard to believe in such a new and shiny place. With every step he took the visions became more clear. Something was drawing him backstage.


Against his better judgment he pushed on.

"I'm down here!" the voice called to him eerily.

When he rounded the corner he couldn't believe it. Playing out in his mind was a vision so clear, the man, the lich, before he knew it he was retracing the steps of the man. Then without warning the spirit took his body over.


"Hey you! what are you doing?" A voice that was not his own escaped his mouth.

Visions of a lich attacking him filled his mind.

Richtor winced and then involuntarily took three steps forward before snapping out of the trance, and he realized what had happened.


Turning to run he heard a strange dark sounding cackling coming from behind him. He had no idea where it was coming from he only knew he had never been this afraid before and he just wanted to get out of the theater.



As she lifted her head from the dirty ground, Chai-Sung jumped. She was lying on top of what seemed to be rugs. Lots and lots of rugs. Her memory was at a loss as to why she had fallen asleep there. Perhaps too much sake was the answer. Breathing onto her palm, she sniffed. There was definitely more than a hint of alcohol in its scent. Traces of her binge drinking the night before soon became more evident after she spied the empty pitcher upside-down on the floor. She inhaled heavily through her mouth, soon to find herself spluttering the masses of dust that the rugs were emitting from her mouth. She shook her head quickly, as if to rid herself of all things negative, and then walked out of the weaver’s shop door.

It was early. Too early for shop keepers and town criers to be stirring. Chai-Sung was used to being awake at these hours. As this thought occurred to her, she turned around and sauntered back into the weaver’s shop. In expensive cabinets hung expensive and beautiful dresses and costumes. There were enough to fill the wardrobe of any woman. Without a second glance or thought, Chai-Sung set to grasp at the dresses she thought the most of and other various garments as quietly as she possibly could. As she tugged at the hanger of the last dress, the hanger broke, creating a loud CRACK before it echoed as it hit the bottom of the cabinet. After she had made one noisy mistake, others soon followed. She clumsily let the lid of the cabinet drop whilst the dress was still attached inside. More and more noise was provoked as she made desperate attempts to prize it free.

Thud thud thud! Someone had finally stirred. The dress broke free and ripped slightly as Chai-Sung fled for the door. A voice came from inside the shop as Chai-Sung was hidden safely around the corner: “Damned and blast those tramps! The heathens! The swines! My shipments gone… Again!” Chai-Sung strained her neck to see the angry shadow of a large, balding man with a rather large stick in his hand. She did not need more warning than that: She ran, ran as fast as she possibly could, until she was safe in a tavern room with only herself and “her” dresses as company.

Even though she was poor, she would make money from her performances. Her father had always made her fend for herself, although he himself was not short of coin whatsoever. Robbery did not faze her. It was the least of her worries. The most difficult of tasks now was to find the man who mentioned theatre in the first place...

But where to begin?​


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
William mopped the dust from his face as the barmaid sat a frothy ale in front of him. Mining in the cave not far from the Hostel he often stopped for a brew before heading home.

" Nice hankie there sir, " she tittered.

He flushed a bit and made to stow it back in his pocket.

" No wait! I was teasing but it really is nice. The lace work is exquisite! May I see it? " She gingerly held the cloth admiring the tatting.

" Me sister made it. Not many can sew a fine a seam as she. She may be stopping in here soon actually. She took a position not far from here. "

" Well tell her she could make a pretty penny in her spare time if she wants to sell some of those here. Some of the patrons need to give a gift when they get home a bit late from their stops here. These hankies would go a long way in smoothin things over at home for them. " Laughing she handed the hankie back.

Grinning William finished his drink.
" I'll let her know that. I am on my way to check on her now. Good day to you lass. "

Finding the Theater wasn't difficult. Only a short way down the path from Hanse's Hostel just as Sonja had said it was. As this was her first assignment as a Master Tailor she was a bit nervous. Coming in the side entrance as instructed her found her muttering to herself as she ripped out a seam.

" Troubles already little one? "

" Oh William! I am ever so glad to see you! These kits I purchased from the shop are not at all what I need. The needles are catching on the fabrics and making a terrible mess! "

" Now, now...no store bought kits. Let me make you a kit with a sharp needle and fine threads. Only the best for your new job lass. Only the best. "

Laying out the kits for his sister William turned to the sound of bootsteps behind him.

An elven man introduced himself as Robin Goodfellow, owner of the theater.

" Tis a pleasure to meet you sir. " William gave a short bow.
" My sister is most excited to be working here for you. "

" Oh your sister is she? Well I must ask sir, are you a craftsman also. I ask only because I have aquired some fine lanterns that have been made by someone bearing your name. Could I hope sir that you are that chap? "

" Can you make chairs like this sir? " Mr. Goodfellow asked.

" Aye I can make them. But you would be wanting better ones I am thinking sir? Those are a bit shoddy. You can tell as the pegs aren't lined quite right. They will be giving your patrons splinters I fear."

Robin looked closely at the chair, then looked at William.
" Gads man you are right! Quick! Come upstairs with me and help me inspect the others I have purchased. "

William followed behind the elf as he dashed up staircase after staircase.
The breezes of Malas ruffled his greying hair as they stepped out on a rooftop garden. A lass was polishing the bar as a man stacked fine crystal glasses on a shelf.

William looked about.
" Nice layout you have here. Yes I could make furniture to fit in here sir. "

William accepted the contract for the furniture and lighting fixtures.
Swiftly he calculated the lumber and ingots needed to complete the order.
Good thing he had made that foray into the forests last evening to chop some fine timbers.

" I have no other pressing orders before this, so I can have it ready for you in good time sir."

Mr. Goodfellow's eyes gleamed.
" Excellent! If you get it done quickly sir I will give your sister a raise in pay as a reward then! "

William rubbed his scruffy chin, pondering.

" If you see fit to give her a raise in pay sir, I ask ya not to be telling her it is because of work I have done. Tell her it is because of her fine sewing that she is getting it. " William gave the elf a wink.

" Now I will be gettin back to my workshop sir to begin this order. I will let you know when I have completed it. Good day to you sir, and well met! "


The day had been a long one, and Chai-Sung was in a rush. She was gathering wood to save some extra coin towards her training to become semi-masterful of the sword. Her pace of walking grew faster as she approached the moongate yet again, bundles of wood held firm and steady in her arms.

Before she stepped into the moongate, she checked her timepiece. Late again. Her fast pace did not dwindle; she began to sprint. As a result, she tumbled out of the moongate, smacking head-first into an object unknown. Looking up from the flat, grassy floor was a horse. Chai-Sung jumped. Her head jerked as she jumped and made her way from the ground.

A woman was mounted upon the horse. She looked quite amused by her brief but embarrassing accident. Little did Chai-Sung know that this woman was going to be her key to the Theatre life she had been hoping for…?

After some conversing and some exchanges of apologies, this woman with the plain name “Sarah” stated that she was helping to cater certain goods and resources for the Theatre; the theatre that was by chance ran by the man she had heard that day at the bank. Chai-Sung made haste! She made haste to find out more about how this lady with the angry horse travelled to and fro from the Theatre! So she asked. A few confused exchanges of speech occurred, but Chai-Sung’s Britannian did not complete have her at a loss this time, oh no! The lady said that she would meet her at the same spot at a certain time and a certain place, which Chai-Sung would not forget. There was much to be done: She had to persuade the owner of the theatre to give her some sort of job first, even if not an acting job.

The lady exchanged her details, her pigeon cage, and then left. That was that, simple as that. Chai-Sung was dazed by the strangeness of it all, and she wandered around like that for the whole day which followed.


Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After a busy morning of sorting runes, she finally decides to head out and start with the marking.

Aalia grabs her papers, notes and runes of stores and shops she had picked up on the streets of Britannia last night. "I really need to check these out and add them to my shop Rune books..." She scribbles that at the bottom on her list.

One of the runes catches her eye. "Semperoper"
"I should check that place out, I have heard many people talking about it" Schneeball cocks his head and happily looks at his master.
"Oh I am sorry boy, you can't come along on this one...Pets are not allowed in Theaters."

Aalia stands in front of an impressive Marble Building. She enters the Halls walking through the empty rooms.
Very nice, lovely craftsmanship...She thinks to herself as she stands admiring the huge stage.

Back outside she unpacks her bag of runes as she hears someone coming.

The young man gives Aalia a tour but he seems distracted and edgy.
Aalia puts her hand on his shoulder. "You seem like you have a lot on your mind... is there anything I can help you with" She smiles at him but she doesn’t miss the startled look and shiver that seemed to shake Robin for a second.
"Oh nothing...nothing..."he stutters.”Just so many things to do ...so much to plan, and so little time!"
"Have a seat"
Aalia sits down and looks at this young elf, he still seems shaken about something and is sweating.
"Please, if you need any help just let me know. I run a Rune library right by Yew and many stop by there. I can post your ad there."

After some pleasant small talk Aalia packs her stuff. The young man seemed to have relaxed a bit and actually has a little crooked smile on his face.
She bids her farewell, but as she leaves she can’t shake the feeling that things are not as well as he made them out to be....

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After laying awake many nights Aalia had finally come up with some Fun Ideas for Robin. "We should have a grand Opening, maybe even a Festival"

There is so much to do, so much to be organized if he likes the proposal.
She rushes around her room getting drafts and sketches together; she grabs a couple Rune books of some of the most beautiful places in Britain. "Maybe he is interested in running a Quest..."

Aalia rushes out the main Library and into the School.
She grabs fancy materials and bolts of silk made in Zento and of Wool that she buys right here in Yew.
"We need dyes!" she gathers dyes and dye tubs into her pack. She also grabs a box of Gypsy Jewelry.

"That should work great for the costumes." she mutters.

She chants the magic words and sparkles appear all around her as her spirit is sent right to the front steps of the theatre.
She looks around the building, but hears only her footsteps echo.
"Robin...are you around?!"


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Boot heels tapped on the floor, coming closer, as the final note faded.

" Two words.....Be Gone! " He turned his back on her waving his hand in dismissal.

" But my lessons are paid for! You can't do this! " The lass sobbed.

" To say your voice sounded like a crow would be insulting to the crow. You have no style, no depth, no lilt or life in your voice. No amount of gold or lessons will ever change that. Now...leave. Go back to the Hall and collect your things. The clerk will return the unused portion of your gold. I expect you gone upon our return this eve. " Gabriel Piete strode to the back of the theater once again.

Tears streaked her face as she ran off stage.

" You were a bit hard on her Gab. " Alberta whispered as he came to stand near her.

" No harder than you are on your pupils M'lady. If they don't have the base talent it is a waste of ones time to encourage them. Oh if she tries hard enough she will find someone to take her gold and pretend to teach her. Shall we continue? "

The artist nodded and looked hopefully to the stage.

" Next! "

Thistle walked center stage. Her shoulders square, chin up, slight smile hiding her nervousness. She curtsied to Mr. Piete and Ms. Giacco, then nodded her readiness to the musicians.

A haunting melody began and she watched the flutist close his eyes in concentration. Losing herself in the story of the words she saw no one. Her voice carried softly at first to the back of the theater. Teasing. Making the listener strain and still themselves a bit to catch the lyrics. Then as she used what she had been taught she pulled her voice from deep inside her filling the theater. She ended as she began, letting the final note fade tenderly, softly into the air.

He walked forward. She couldn't tell by his expression what his thoughts were.

" You take quite a gamble attempting one of my favorite pieces. Done poorly I will show little mercy. " He tilted his head and looked at her grimly.

" Two words...."

She held her breath.

" True, and sweet."

Relief and joy showed in her eyes.

" Bravo Thistle! Well done! Well done indeed. " Alberta Giacco clapped from the rear of the theater.

" Yes not bad..Now let's see your hands. Hold them out. "

He took her hands and turned them palms up, rubbing her fingertips.

" Good! You have kept your instrument practices up also. You are not a musician though lass. " He squeezed her hands briefly and dropped them.

" Your gift is your voice. Use it well. You come here now to the King's Theater everyday and practice. Andre? Do you have someone that can teach her stage presence? She can lose herself in song. Let's see if she can lose herself in a role. "

" Well Georgietta has come over from Nujelm sir. What with all the fighting over there they have closed the theater for now. " Andre rocked on his heels and rubbed his chin in thought.

" Yes she would be the best I think Mr. Piete. "

" Excellent! You will start first thing tomorrow then Thistle. " He made his way towards the back of the theater once again.

" Next! "

Thistle really did try her best to walk sedately off the stage. But she just couldn't help skipping the last few steps. Her mother would have been so proud!


Goodman's Rune Library
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jose Gaspar whistles as he walks up the Zento street with a spring in his step. A fisherman by trade, Jose always works very hard for his gold. But perhaps not this time, for over his shoulder, he carries a dank smelly gunny sack containing one small white critter.

Surely some rich bloak will pay well for such a rare pet in the streets of Luna and if not Bella, the rending woman at the end of the docks in Trinsic will pay decent coin for a bit of fresh meat.

What a lucky day it's been, he thinks to himself. He tightens his grip on the sack and quickens his pace. A lady passes him by and tips her bonnet at him but doesn't pay any mind to the movement, nor the faint squeaks coming from his bundle.

Jose smiles at the lady and continues on his way happily thinking of the food he'll be able to bring to his wife and 17 children with this wiggly white animal. His enthusiasm did not waver even when it bit him outside the Grand Britannian Repertory. Not one little bit....

Temptation Waits

As she left the library, she was perplexed at the encounter with the
other elf. Her head ached from staring at that blasted book of elven
genealogy. As of late her whole world had become a whirlwind of
change. She couldn't help but wonder if things were changing too fast
or not fast enough. Her mind wandered as she wounds through the
bustling streets of Britain and she decided to stop for a bite and some
rest at the local Inn.

Quietly she entered the establishment and surveyed the room, a small
table in the corner looked appealing and she made her way to it and
took a seat. After being greeted by the young woman tending the area,
she ordered a small fare of wine and cheese along with some fruit.
When it was brought to her, she thanked the woman and paid for the
meal. In peace she ate and all seemed to be all right until a strange
shadowy figure of an elderly woman entered.

Tempt watched her carefully, the woman's eyes hid a wily wisdom even if
her attire did not. Their gazes locked and the woman began to hobble
toward her, the "tap" of her walking stick with each step. Now in
front of Tempt, she began digging through her various satchels and
belongings. "Ah here it is!", she smiled and removed an old tattered
piece of parchment and laid it before the Paladin.

Now she was completely perplexed, "What is this?", her eyes looking
back and forth from the parchment to the woman.

"My child it is your calling, your destiny...long has it been said the
one of eyes would come.", she watched Tempt stare at her and the
parchment. "Fear not young elf, look to the stars and read your
calling!", she pushed the parchment closer.

It was rare for Tempt to be left speechless, but this certainly did it.
Her long slender fingers picked up the parchment, the words upon it
were faded and at first glance the writing looked illegible, but it
was if they danced upon the page and became clear. She rubbed her
eyes, "What magic is this?, she asked looking up but the woman was

She let out a deep breath and began to read...

One may die, one may live
Three may cry, four will give;
In death is this sleep
Let him rest in death's peaceful eternity;
His bride groom's gift be grief
Let him steal away like a thief;
Into the dark, into the light,
Into the night
Let this be his plight
Let them not see how
Truly must he keep his solemn vow;
The one of Eyes must live
To her his life he gives;
To her he gives his life for naught
In death to seek all he sought;
In death he sleeps evermore
For death can claim him not forevermore;
Out of death he will come
Heart of stone and lost of love;
The end of the world he will bring
Unless his heart of stone can sing;
A prince he will be
Hidden, however so none may see;
A life of separation and being alone,
Alone in this world must he roam.*

*Taken from an Ancient Sri Lanka Prophecy

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Impatiently tapping her foot Aalia awaits the arrival of Robin.

He said he would be here...
I wonder where he went, she mutters to herself.

The big Theatre halls are empty and the exquisite Marble from faraway lands makes it quite chilly.
She rubs her arms as she wanders down the hallway admiring the fine craftsmanship of the columns.
She feels a cold breath of air on the back of her neck.

Aalia quickly turns, but the hallway is empty ...just her own steps echoing.
She pulls her collar together.
How odd, she thinks to herself.

"OOooooOoooooo OOOOOooooOOoooooooooo!"

A bone chilling howl emerges from somewhere very close by, stopping her in her tracks.
She drops her backpack, bolts of cloth tumble everywhere.

There are no footsteps to be heard no doors are opening but she can sense something coming toward her, she notices a glow around the corner that seems to be getting brighter and brighter.

Aalia feels like she is frozen she can’t control any of her limbs, like her feet have a mind all of their own. She is shaking.
"Robin? Are you playing tricks with me? "
Her voice is shaking

The light is an eerie very cold blue and seems to be leaking around the corner now.
Then she realizes what she is seeing.
It’s a spirit, but not like any that she encountered so many times before.
The spirit of a fallen warrior usually has a warm glow, and is easily reunited with its body by a experienced healer or mage.

But this one is different.

It comes closer and she can feel the cold.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aalia sits at her desk; she is trying to concentrate on the Rune books she is suppose to bind for the vendor she hired. But she can’t concentrate on the task.

“Ouch!” she lets loose after she repeatedly pricked her finger with the needle she uses to bind the pages together. I know what I have seen …. Her thoughts drifting to that strange encounter at the Theatre.
She gets up, maybe a little walk will clear her mind. It’s a beautiful day outside, the sun getting ready to settle behind the Yew forests sending the last of her warm rays. Sheppard’s in the Sheep pen are herding the animals together, getting them ready for the night.

She feels a gentle tug on her skirt. Its Schneeball . “It’s that time of the day already. Isn’t it?” Aalia leads her friend into the library taking the teleporter to her private rooms where she has the little box of treats the fluffy white animal is after. “You know maybe it’s just a lost soul that needs guided home. Maybe Robin was right and I was seeing things…”
Schneeball looks up from his bowl and gives his Master a short bark. “your right! There is only one way to find out” She walks over to locker and pulls out one of her Margery books. “Well if it was just a normal spirit, this will take care of the poor Soul. She recites the fairly hard spell to reunite spirits with their body. “Satisfied that she still knows the formula she packs the book and reagents into her pack.

“Sorry boy you better stay here, I don’t think Robin wants your paw prints all over his expensive tiles”
She gently scratches his ear, and whispers the recall spell. Schneeball looks at the sparkles that fall to the floor where his Mistress stood just a moment ago.

Aalia walks up the couple steps to the entrance of the Theatre, its dark outside by now.
She hurries into the dressing room pulling out her Margery book as she walks around the corner.
The torches in the room are extinguished, the Theatre seems to be empty.

As Aalia's eyes adjust to the dark, she sees the outlines of a shadowy figure looming infront of her.
She lets out a scream.

Fossergrim turns around and offers Aalia his hand…..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
" Today lads we patrol the streets of Zento. Be on the lookout for any unusual activities, or objects. A Paladin's mission is to protect and defend. "
She wheeled to face them.

" Osgood! Eyes front! " She barked.

" You can soak up the sights in a moment. For now pay attention to your orders. "
She frowned as the troops squared their shoulders and stood rigid.

A Samurai lass giggled and moved on.

"This is a special training exercise so be prepared. " She turned to Lord Thorn and nodded.

Four pair of eyes looked upward in awe as Lord Thorn addressed the recruits.
He rested his arm casually on his knee, leaning down.

" Be diligent lads. One never knows what you may find in even a training exercise. "
Rising in his saddle he continued.

" Report any finding directly to us. Understood? "

" Aye sir! "

Striding down the streets of Zento the recruits whispered among themselves.

" Wait til we tell the others of this! None of them have been here! "

" Look at that! Is that a crane? "
The squawking bird fluttered out of the way.

" Yasmeen have you ever seen a sculpture like this? Yasmeen...? "

" Go get Lady Sterling or Lord Thorn! I think I found something! "

" No no no!..it is worth much more than that! It is rare! It's pelt is pure white, the likes you will never see again I say! " Jose shook his head. Annoyed by the wriggling thing he had left the bag outside.

" 100 gold?! That's an insult! " He was going to have to bring it inside and let the trader see if he wanted a better price.

A clanking of steel on steel caught his attention. Where was that coming from? Outside? Probably Samurai passing by the shop.

" Let me show it to you sir. Then tell me it's not worth more! "
Jose headed to the doorway.

" Well done Yasmeen! "

The recruit's chest swelled with pride.

Positioning herself to the side, she unsheathed her sword.
" Go ahead lad. Open it and see what it holds. "

Yasmeen reached down and loosened the ties.
The bag seemed to come alive!
He stepped back quickly as Osgood drew his sword also.
A white blur boiled out of the bag. It paused and blinked for a moment as if blinded then streaked down the street and out of sight.

Sterling smiled to herself. Job well done...

She clapped Yasmeen on the back.

" Good show Yasmeen! Some poor child's pet obviously. Caught up in a bag. Hopefully it will find it's way back to it's owner. Well done indeed! "

" Carry on lads! See what other treasures you can find. "

Nodding she made her way to the bank to report the release to Lord Thorn.

Jose stood in the doorway, mouth gaping. His squirrel! The gold that would have made him!
A child's pet? Could it have been?
Thinking of his own young ones at home he flushed. Perhaps twas better then that is got away.
He could always make a Hatchling Egg run tonight at dusk. The Samurai Nobles enjoyed the delicacy, and the cooks paid well for fresh ones.

Odette hated moongates! She always felt queasy when she used them..
The smell of flowers signalled her arrival in Zento. She let out the breath she was holding. She looked down to see a white squirrel chittering at her. Stepping aside she watched it leap into the gate..
Maybe she should stop at the healers first, she thought. Now she was seeing things!

Sitting staring at the table top, plans ran through his mind.
I'll grab some provisions and scour that town! If it takes me....
A scratching sound??
Robin glanced at the closed door. Blanching.
The ghost!
Rising his knees trembled just a bit.
Quickly he pulled the door open!

"Puck!!" Tears welled in his eyes.
" Dear dear Puck! You found your way back! "
He laughed as Puck made an exquisite twirling leap.



Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kitty enjoyed it when Mr. Bryce went on one of his merchanting trips leaving her in charge of the mall. She liked being in charge and getting the reports from all the vendors.

"Ahh, I sure wish I was the owner of this merchanting empire," Kitty sighed.

Just then, from the corner of her eye, she saw Lord Raven of Minoc approaching her. Even she knew of his great standing in the realm and she put up her best disarming smile, "Ahh good to see you Lord Raven. How many I help you?"

Lord Raven seemed to be in a rather serious mood as he politely asked if he could talk with Mr. Tomas Bryce.

Kitty knew better than to share Mr. Bryce's whereabouts due to the sensitivity of trade information. Tomas Bryce would not be happy if she gave away such information even if it was to someone of a high standing like Lord Raven.

"Mr. Bryce is a busy person. Maybe I can be of service? I am the manager over here when Mr. Bryce is not around."

Lord Raven looked slightly annoyed at hearing this. He seemed to be about to take his leave when, as if struck by an idea, he asked a question.

"I think I may have found something that belongs to Mr. Tomas Bryce. Would you be able to verify it."

Curious at what could it be that Lord Raven had found Kitty agreed to look at it.

At that point, Lord Raven took out a fine notebook with the words Ledger of Accounts inscribed on it. "I found this ledger book which seems to belong to Mr. Tomas Bryce."

"Hmm, the notebook certainly looks like one of Mr. Bryce's but I would have to look at the writing inside of it. Could I take a look?", Kitty asked.

Suddenly, Lord Raven put the notebook back in his pocket and he hesitatingly asked, "Perhaps you could show me a sample of Mr. Tomas Bryce's writing and then I could decide it for myself?"

Kitty found this to be rather curious. Lord Raven was clearly not willing to give her the book. But she saw no harm in showing him a writing sample as it was easily available.

"Please come inside and take a look at one of the business proposals written by Mr. Bryce."

She led Lord Raven to the Loan Book written by Mr. Bryce.

While reading the loan book, Lord Raven's demeanor changed and he seemed somehow relieved.

Accepting that the ledger belonged to Mr. Bryce, he handed over the book to Kitty and took his leave; the same book that he would not let her touch only moments ago.

"Very strange," thought Kitty as Lord Raven directed his horse towards the waiting boat. She glanced inside the ledger and saw names of people who had been given gold, probably for their services or as a personal loan.

"Lord Tigar, Mary..., Oyo.. hrmpf this is just a normal ledger book. Nothing interesting about it!"

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aalia arrives at the Library Complex.
She hurries up the stairs, to see if Fossergrim found anything else. But the room is empty,

Just a little scrap of paper tagged to the chest that held the ancient parchments, it reads:
I found something, took the document with me …have to hurry
Will contact you later.

She stands there shaking her head, “I can’t believe what a mess he made in here….”
She kneels in front of the box and starts sorting through the scrolls.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kneeling in front of her Chest Aalia decides it is time to do some reorganizing.
She pulls out all the heavy metal boxes and shelves, moves tables around and reorganizes stacks and stacks of rune books.

Hours go by while the young woman works herself through piles of papers, fingers sorting them quickly into neat piles.
Schneeball dozes on his rug that his mistress set out for him in her newly decorated office. He is quite satisfied with the bowl of treats Aalia set out for him and his mouth twitches while he dreams of more.

The sun is setting when Aalia realizes how long she has been working on her Library. She walks around the big hall: “yes this looks much better”
She picks up the last pile of papers, Fossergrim must have left them there.
“When I get a hold of him…” she mutters.

She shuffles the papers trying to put them in a neat stack, the candle on her desk flickers. Aalia notices what seem to be imprints on the paper. She holds the sheet into the light but can’t make anything of it. Her fingers move to grab the pencil that is lying on the desk, she picks it up and runs it over the imprints of the paper. The graphite of the pencil turns the white sheet into a grey sheet revealing what Fossergrim had jotted down.

Aalia’s eyes widen. Right there, in front of her lay the instructions to what was known as a long forgotten pagan ritual of resurrecting cursed spirits. Her fingers trace the formula the wise Necromancer had written down and she studies the long list of ingredients and regents that the formula calls for.
She knows the language, she studied it a long time ago and it comes back to her as she reads it over and over.
“Well this looks like Fossergrim will need some help on this.”
The formula asks for a special suit the caster has to wear to protect him from the forces he unleashes.

She searches her boxes for a set of Leather Armor she can imbue for the ceremony. Reading the notes Fossergrim left unknowingly she grabs bottles of crystals and magic dusts out of her shelves.
The armor needs to imbued with ice to form a special shield that reflects the powerful magic away from the ritualist.
Ever since Aalia can remember she has a special bond with the cold and ice, winter is her favorite season. She works swiftly. Confident her magic and knowledge of ice Magic will be sufficient to create armor powerful enough to withstand the ritual.
Schneeball watches his mistress, there is no thinking of sleep now with all the noise she is making working at her desk.

Finally it’s time to speak the formula so the magic can bond with the rough leather. Aalia resides the words that Fossergrim had left on the paper.
She chants the words and the ice crystals and the grave dust begins to raise from the Armor , swirling in the air above the table, the air stirs and she can feel a powerful blast rushing into the room. Ice cold winds are blowing around her tearing on her clothes and hair. Aalia knows she has to finish the chant now or all the work will be lost, but the winds are starting to drain her of all energy. She speaks the last words.

Schneeball is pacing in the office, loudly barking at the sparkling storm that seems to consume Aalia.
He can’t see his Master nor smell her scent, the animal starts to panik and the hair on his back raises.
As sudden as the storm began, it disappears. Aalia drops to the floor. Schneeball rushes to her side.
She pushes herself up of the ground, giving Schnee a crocked smile “oh don’t you worry about me, I am just fine”
Now she just has to convince her body of the same… her muscles are stiff and acing and her head is hurting badly.
Trying to gather herself she rests on her chair.
“I did it…” The suit is sitting on her table; the spell gave the brown leather an ice blue color and a cold aura.

Aalia picks up the magic Armor to put it in her chest.
But she can't resist the temptation of trying it on.
The leather feels cold to the touch and when she slips her arms into the sleeves they seem to fit like a second skin...
She stops in front of the metal chests she stores her belongings in, staring at the blurry image of her that reflects on the shiny metal. “By Mondain…. “Her fingers run through her lush hair…it’s still long and soft ….but all the color is gone…her hair is ice white….


Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fossergrim takes the steps leading him to the study at Winterbreeze. He knocks on the door once and opens it without waiting.
“Aalia I know it’s late and I hope I am not disturbing you, I was in the area and seen light…”

He stops abruptly staring at Aalia. “What in ..?! “ he steps closer and looks at her.
“Well I found your notes …” she stutters”…and I wanted to help…”
“you should have never …” he starts yelling “ …much to powerful magic for such a young one!”

Aalia stares at the floor. She walks around her desk dropping on her chair while Fossergrim lectures her.
He is quite in a ruffle pacing in the study. “Just can’t believe it! “He rants
Fossergrim turns to face Aalia, to let loose of another wave of complains when he notices her sleeping on her desktop. He steps next to her gently pulling a strand of hair out of her face.

“You have no idea what could have happened…” He reaches over her, making sure not to wake her and grabs the remaining ingredients that are scattered next to Aalia. He will need them for his suit of armor.

Fossergrim opens the door giving Schneeball a sharp look “You make sure she gets her rest!” Schneeball lets out a quiet bark. The Necromancer smiles at the sleeping woman and shakes his head. “So impatient…those young ones”


guys guys guys
stop spamming the Atlantic forums with role playing posts like this.

cant you make a forum or thread for this kinda stuff and keep it in there


These stories have been around for quite some time now and have become somewhat of a tradition on the shard. Someone starts them (Sam has taken on this role lately) and others chime in diverting the story line at their whim.

I would hardly call 2 threads (with different stories) out of the front page "spamming". Considering that only 4 threads even had posts in them, I'm happy to see the activity on the forum!