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[Discussion] A Thank You to My UO Friends...

Tangled Metal

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I am not leaving again! I have a lot of people in game that I have known for many years. I rarely thank them for all they have done for me. I wanted to start this thread to thank those in the rares community who are special friends.

I have left UO and come back too many times to count. The time before last that I came back, Lord Nabin gave me a house to get me started. It was a great help. Today, while trying to sell a few things to get a rare Lord Nabin comes in Gen Chat and asks me how short I am for the item. I told him and he told me to put an item on my vendor for the amount.

He bought a band aid for an unspeakable amount just to help me out. He asked noting in return other than for me to "pay it forward" so to speak. My hat goes off to him for such a nice act of kindness.

If you have thank you's Please feel free to add it to this thread. Community is what makes UO so great. We should always thank those that make the community so great.

Alexander of ATL.

Rares Fest Host | Atl June 2013
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have thank you's Please feel free to add it to this thread. Community is what makes UO so great. We should always thank those that make the community so great.
I would like to thank everyone here in the rares community also.

Manticore for updating the Rare's List. It takes great dedication and love to be able to do what this man does. Attending all those events, trying to figure out how many of what item there is if the EM doesn't give out the number. I would like to thank Manticore for his dedication to the rares community.

The Mod's for keeping us in line. We give the Moderators heck sometimes, or atleast I know I have. :eek:
Thanks you Mod's as well as the stratics staff for making this a great website to be apart of.

Our EM's for putting there time and effort to entertain us with many many role playing events! Although some don't even look at stratics, I'm gonna say thanks to EVERY event moderator out there. I would have quit this game a long time ago if it weren't for the fun role playing events and my friends on Atlantic. Especially EM Bennu, for the many many Crux Ansata events and EM Tiberies for all of his fun roleplaying events also.

EA Staff for their hard work. We all know the staff at EA work their butts off to make us happy, and there are those that it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't please them. Mesanna, along with many others, are REAL dedicated to this game, and their actions prove that. Think of Mesanna, going to EVERY shard to dye your masks. Thats hard for one person to do, but she does it for us. Also the deer 10 lucky people are gonna be getting. (I hope I'm one of them)

And Finaly....

My Toad Town Family...

Many don't know, but before I 'joined' Toad Town. I was actually there when it was created. But before that, i was gonna quit the game because, well it just got boring. But after forming a little town of our own, it is filled with the most wonderful people I know. I would like to thank these people for letting me experiance a whole new side to UO i wouldn't have realized before. All i have learned while being part of Toad Town is Decorating, Forming Community Events, being apart of something so fun, being apart of the Crux Ansata as one, and many many many many other things. I would like to thank:

Queen Arya
Bon Iver
White Dove
Buns of Glory (Even though is maybe the most annyoing person) :p

Without these guys, I would have quit this game many years ago. I send my best "Thank You" I could ever give, to these people listed above.
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Angel Dust

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to extend a warm and fuzzy thank you to anyone who wants to sell me booze!!!!!!

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
In your Mail box my friend