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A Tale - 'Stygian Abyss : Oh Look, A Death Robe'


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My sons and I agreed that we would go get baptised in the fires of the Stygina Abyss.
As the time approached to go they were busy in some otherworld experience.
"C'est La Vie.
Dad is NOT jealous that they are doing some other thing together,
leaving him all alone.
-Sniffs and wipes eyes.-
More dungeon for me and DragonSnack.
Right DS?
Aw, come on out from under the bed."
Let's see, Maddwg going to a new dungeon, alone.
What are the chances we will die?
I can get rezzed down there at that Tree (Vin told me.)
DS would be dead until I walked out.
I rolled an apple under the bed and armored up.
Fragile Sword of Missing- check.
Shield of Metal Attraction - check.
Helm of Poor Decisions - check.
All set, I mount my invisisble horse and set off.
Vin told me about a shortcut to the Abyss.
So I headed down.
I decided I would avoid someof the bigger monsters I heard about,
like that huge spider.
Vin told me about these ratmen fellers, sounds like something my speed.
I move around some fire ants and encountered Betra the Outcast.
Aww, poor little guy, all alone and stuff. How sad.
Except he is this mean, angry, death-robe-handing-out kind of outcast.
With an attititude like that, it's now wonder people don't hang out.
Serve some Pepsi and donuts, but mostly, quit killing visitors.
Off to find that tree.
I got rezzeded and snuck the junk off my body 'fore Betra spotted me again.
Looking at a map, I realize that I'm on the wrong side of the tracks, as it were.
Didga knwo that there is this guy called the Salsher of Veils blocking the path?
I do now.
I saw him and decided that running was the prudent option.
I made my way though the Hall Of Dead Fellers, back into the Abyss.
I easily found the rat guys and bashed a few of Scratch Clan members.
I just got into exchanging pleasantries with some Henchrats when
that undeatable monster, the real life, decided to interupt my fun.
I backed into a safe area and logged out, intending to do more later.
When I logged back in who do you suppose appeared there with me?

I rode DS home and decided to try this again later.
I'll write about my next trip after I make it back.

Queen Mum

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great adventure tale!! TY for sharing :)

*cookie hug*

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like a great first adventure in the Abyss!! I look forward to hearing about your encounters with the other "friendly" creatures down there like skeletal lichs and the stygian dragon! Oh don't forget to check out the Underworld too. There are some puzzles there you might like.

Thanks for sharing your adventures!! *smiles*