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A Tale - May 26, 2012


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Covet Not

New stuff in covetous, or so I'm told.
Investigating this sounds like fun.
I have heard that death is a certain thing at this new swimming pool in Covetous.
I decide to leave DragonSnack behind and save him the embarassment.
I make my way to Covetous and join a dozen or so others (mostly PAS).

Cora opens a gate and monters step out in wave one.
Then two.
Then three.
Then four.
Then five.
They are mostly weak and we eliminate them quick.
Then six.
The seven
Then eight.
They get stronger each time.
Then 28 and I trip and fall to death.
Luvs Harmony patches me up and I head back to the slaughter.

In the thirties things begin to get difficult.
At one point, I found myself running.....
(I know your not shocked as I GM'd running years ago.)
There was this Titan Rockhurler and Lizardman Witchdoctor chasing me.

I must take a stand now, and say, "Just say NO to drugs!"
It is apparent that the steroid use from other sports has made it to Sonoma.
There is no other way to explain how powerful these things become, but mostly..
how FAST they run!
So, sad to see Sonoma's monsters fall under such evil influence.

So, there I was running, when everything stopped and
I entered the coma known as Client Crash.
I was actually alive when I came out of the coma,
thanks to the crowd that was there (mostly PAS, FOXX and KHV).
However, DragonSnack joined me.
I really want to save him from a death if I can help.
So many ladies get angry at me for getting him killed and stuff.
I mounted him and raced through a small army of invading mosters.
Parking him outside I raced back in and was shown a nice spot
in the dirt for a nap by said army of stuff.
I think we made it to Wave 44 that time before the monsters won the day.
This Covetous thing is interesting.
A lot of potential for getting killed.

So, I went back Friday night.
I figured that Fel always get ignored.
So, I'd go let the lonely monsters there kill me.
I walked into Wave 5 and attacked.
Then I noticed I was joined by another.
Now, I'm not greedy, so I let them kill stuff too.
A friend of the other person also arrived from the Void area
and they set about some serious killin'........of me.
Obviously, they mistook me for one of them Lizradman Witchdoctor's.
Sadder, I was on DS.
I don't know what they misttok for.
I guess they thought I coveted their stuff.
C'est la vie.

I gotta start taking more pics again. Sorry.

Lord Sir Scott

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Part 2 there, the excactly same thing happen to me there too! What gives with that eh?
See people in felluca its dead cuse you made it dead cuse all you think about is dead.
Live and let live


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
see, i had the opposite experience.
i went into fell side and saw a SL there and he pulled a Forrest Gump on me (run Forrest run!)

but its good to see the old fel side getting a lot of action, lots of names and points going up on the fel side!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
see, i had the opposite experience.
i went into fell side and saw a SL there and he pulled a Forrest Gump on me (run Forrest run!)

but its good to see the old fel side getting a lot of action, lots of names and points going up on the fel side!
I agree. Glad to see someone else playing in Fel. I wasn't sure whether they intended to do the spawn or not. So, I let them make the first move. Or maybe they mistook me for spawn?
I think that if we had worked together they would have made it higher than wave 6. I bet wave 7 for sure.
I could have distracted part of the spawn by running in circles crying like someone stole my lollipop.

Miri of Sonoma

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*laughs* Maybe it was an accident?! I know that if I had a guild mate or ally in Trammel covetous, they would constantly be in mortal danger from me accidentally targeting them in all the chaos.

Great tale *smiles*


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
that is true.
i have a guild mate who always yells "run to me for a heal" which is followed by a fire ball or e-bolt, then a "opps, that was the wrong key"

*looks at romus*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Poo made me laugh.
Oh, let me say, I enjoy the stupidity statement in your sig. I always say that I would rather face pure evil over pure stupid. Stupid can be so much more dangerous.

I don't think it was an accident. I don't really care, I was in Fel and stuff happens in Fel. So, my little feelings aren't all hurt.
I have used the 'it was an accident excuse' myself. "Umm, sorry, the thing was loaded and accidently stabbed you 36 times. I hate it when that happens"
I did hate to see DragonSnack 'accidently' killed. He gets all grumpy afterward for some reason. You think he would be used to it by now.
I was suprised how all my stuff leapt from my backpack into theirs. I guess I wasn't treating my things nicely.

It brings to mind the story from the 70's about some South American leader that commited suicide by shooting himself 11 times with a revolver, stopping only once to reload.
