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A Tale - May 17, 2012


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They say patience is a Virtue.
Is it?
I have been sooo busy lately.
You know..just the day to day stuff.
UPS delivers the wrong swords, I remain pateint. The correct sword will arrive after I get this RMA mailed in.
I battle demons and engineers from LifeCycle at AT&T, but be patient, this too shall pass.
Rush hour traffic just leaves DragonSnack and I tired.
So, I haven't ventured out a lot lately. I'll get back down to Stygian sometime.
I have let Vin run around with PAS while I enjoy the fruits of our labor with distilling.
Quuen Zhah has summoned Sonomans to Ter Mur.
I decided to attend and see what was up.
A couple others arrived too.

Someone didn't like my state of inebriation and the fact that I was stingy.
1) Raconteurs drink.
2) We only share with those that we like.
Queen Zhah arrived and explained that see needed help with the gargoyles from Ver Lor Reg.
She wanted us to help repel some tiresome trouble makers in ver Lor Reg and try to convince
the citizens of Ver Lor reg in moving the party to Ter Mur.
I assume they have a lot more ale there.
Thankfully others made coments and suggestions to the Queen.
Other royalty?
Surely a mere Lord or Lady would not assume they are equals with a Queen?
But Queen Zhah was patient.Maybe she recognizes everyone as equal to her status?
I just listened, I don't know her and doubt she knows me.
Queen Zhah invited us to accompany her to Ver Lor Reg and who were we to refuse?

Verily, I say...there most assuredly was trouble in Ver Lor Reg.
Exodus Overseers and Minions were one thing but things got down right ugly.
I was in a crowd of people fighting some Exodus Overseer Paragon of Great Face Smashing and General Nuisance Causing
(I'm sure that's what it was.)
when he hit me for 223 points of damage.
Now go figure, I didn't have that many.
Thankfully, I am quite profiient at wearing the gray robe.
I ran to a healer and put my clothes back on.
Running back to find DragonSnack, I ran right into a Super Mechanical Thingy That Easily Kills Raconteurs.
I KNOW that was what it was, 'cause he did.
Dressing again, I decided that running faster than the things trying to kill me might be a good idea.
I tried that and found DragonSnacks ghost.
Apparently, there was a Exodus Horse Killer in the bunch.
That's just mean.
786,221 people and a Overseer Paragon stood on my body.
I understand, I do look sexy dead and stuff.
Queen Zhah asked everyome to check the gate and I was able to retreive my bundle of bandages from my corpse.
I ran down to check out what was up and found out.
I guess I still looked sexy dead.
After getting dressed again, I joined a small group trying to protect Queen Zhah.

I helped kill a thing or two here when we decided we wuz done.
Queen Zhah, Vis Lem and several others conversed.
Again, all the royalty don't ya know.
Zhah convinced Vis to move his people to Ter Mur...or Disneyland.
One or the other.
Queen Zhah gated us to Britain, thanked us, patted us on the head, (wiped her hands) and went home.
Miranda, felt bad for DS and brought him back to life.

I was patient, I thought. Getting dead three whole times.
DragonSnack was patient, no rez until Britain.
Queen Zhaha was patient.

Patience is a virus.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If Luvs Harmony (PAS) did not heal you at some point, then you weren't fightin'.

Mirabel, Waitress in Britain.
Luvs Harmony (PAS)

I'm makin' a list for Santa.

Say anything nasty about her and I'll mock you on these boards until I get tired of doing it...
and I'm patient. LOL

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

If Luvs Harmony (PAS) did not heal you at some point, then you weren't fightin'.

Mirabel, Waitress in Britain.
Luvs Harmony (PAS)

I'm makin' a list for Santa.

Say anything nasty about her and I'll mock you on these boards until I get tired of doing it...
and I'm patient. LOL
I was wondering who was healing me. Thank you Luvs Harmony!


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
but but but..... shes PAS!??!??!!??

that in itself leaves her open for mockery!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
but but but..... shes PAS!??!??!!??

that in itself leaves her open for mockery!

Not from me. They already get slammed enough by other people that usually have no clue.
I actually enjoy hanging with PAS.

They don't care that I suck at just about everything but drinking and dieing.
They go everywhere and do everything.
They don't run away.
They rez DragonSnack..a lot. Oh and they rez me too.
They don't act like they are better at things than everyone else.

I seldom mock an entire guild. MOO was to easy for a while (yearsss ago). Taming cows and naming them MOO was fun. The Bovine, I think that was what I called them.
Not that MOO was worse than others, they were just an easy target. Sorry fellas.

Though, Mockerage is fun. :)

Give me a yell sometime. I'll take you somewhere that something heinous can kill us and I'll mock you and I. Always fun :)
