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A Tale - AdVintures In Blood


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
AdVINtures in Blood.

Vin Decatur had returned from his dungeon run with PAS.
He regeared, leaving a pile of things for Karyn to repair, and headed back out.
I, on the otherhand, decide to reap the benefits of having a distillery in the kitchen.
Hmm, Dos Equis Standard (guranteed to make you so drunk that everyone laughs at you) or
WAKA Wicked (one sip and you're stopped in your tracks, two and you're unconcious).
And all the other wonderful concoctions we have.
The tough decisons one must make, C'est la vie.
Why settle for one?

Vin arrives, missing much of his gear.
It seems that he had gone ot Blood Dungeon to get some viles of blood from a Purifying Blood Elemental.
He had done the Infernal Dash and actually died in a low spwan area, but
the Purifying Blood Elemental had followed and stolen things from his body.
Of course, I gear up and head out with good ole DragonSnack.
Riding over, several things occur to me:
1) My last adventure to Blood, which resulted in DS stuck in there alone for several hours.
2) Why didn't he seek help form PAS. Let's see, there is 1 of me and how many of them?
3) Can I kill this Purifying Blood Elemental?
No one ever claimed we were the smartest bunch.
I arrive and find Vin's corpse and the Purifying Blood Elemental exactly where he said they were.
I set about poking the elemental with my Inferior Sword of Dullness.
I try getting Vin's thing but this is after all the land of no justice, so I can't.
So, instead of me looting them, they can decay. Brilliant!
Bites hand not to start another anti-Tram rule set rant.
Again, it occurs to me that him here with some PAS members would have been smarter.
All goes gray.
I am assisted to a dirt nap by the Purifying Blood Elemental.
Crap.I was distracted by the rant running around my head.
I race to the shrine and get me some of that rezrerected stuff and race back.
Let's see. Vin's body, my body and DS's ghost.
I arrive back to find my body, Vin's body, an almost dead Purifying Blood Elemental
and DragonSnack not in ghost form.
This is twice that the Blood Elementals did not kill DS in Blood Dungeon.
Either they are afraid of him or just feel sorry for him.
So many bizzare things happen with that horse that I am no longer surprised.
I gather the things from my corpse and finish dispatching the vile elemental.
I grab the blood Vin needs and race home.
Vin goes and retrives his gear from his bones. Lucky that it did not decay!
Vin decides to assist in consuming some of our alcohol supply.
I decide to head back to Blood.
I hang out where the Blood Elemental's spawn.
They pay handsome wage for dispatching them to ghostland.
I kill a couple and am counting my loot when a new one arrives.
I guess they were irritated at my presence and called for their Paragon.
Racing back to the shrine, again, I decide I can take this guy.
I decide that if I do the Infernal Dash sooner I can beat him.
(Infernal Dash is RUN when I start redlining, these guys cause a lot of bleeding so
I try to run and die where my body will be reachable.)
They cause damage a LOT faster than I can heal myself.
I return to find DS beside my body.
I redress and attack,
I finish him off quickly.
I bash another another regular Blood Elemental only to have another Paragon appear.
By doing the Infernal Dash at about half-life I am able to slay this one.
Another appears.
This one is meaner.
He kills me twice.
On the second death I was not able to escape and he was hovering by my body.
Again, no harm to DragonSnack. Odd, don't ya think.
I get my things and finally fiunish him off.
I stay for a while and kill two more Paragon Purifying Blood Elementals.
They killed me once more but I was a screen away when I dropped from their nice poison-bleed combo
and my super slow bandage application process.
I call it the end of another strange night and head home.
Can't have Vin drinking all my liquor.