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A stupid idea but I though I'd ask everyone's opinion anyway . . .

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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So boat dye tubs maybe as a vet reward or holiday reward. I just think it'd be better than having to sail to the floating docks when paint on one of my boats fades.
Like I said its probably a stupid idea, but I thought I'd ask. I have on my Flame-Resistant undies and Flame proof suit. So FIRE AWAY.


Stratics Veteran
So boat dye tubs maybe as a vet reward or holiday reward. I just think it'd be better than having to sail to the floating docks when paint on one of my boats fades.
Like I said its probably a stupid idea, but I thought I'd ask. I have on my Flame-Resistant undies and Flame proof suit. So FIRE AWAY.
Not a stupid idea at all, IMO, but one that needs the Devs to work to implement it, and as such, as many other equally good ideas before, an idea that has no chances in Heck to see the light of day...

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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So boat dye tubs maybe as a vet reward or holiday reward. I just think it'd be better than having to sail to the floating docks when paint on one of my boats fades.
Like I said its probably a stupid idea, but I thought I'd ask. I have on my Flame-Resistant undies and Flame proof suit. So FIRE AWAY.

Ummm.... mark a rune on the docks. Problem solved.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Ummm.... mark a rune on the docks. Problem solved.
Not a sailor I see. You can not mark there. But your ship paint only ages while the ship is out. If you put up your ship after use, it lasts a lot of playtime.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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if i can make a suggestion.
make a EJ account.
make a mage (GM magic)
take him out to the dock and log him off in the inn.

then whenever you need to go out to the dock town you just login that EJ account mage and open yourself up a gate and step through.

i made a EJ account and i made a mage on every shard in-game and parked them out at dock town.
now it doesn't matter what shard im on i can get out to dock town.
or if someone needs a ride ect ect.

oh the things we can do when we have 25 years of playing.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
if i can make a suggestion.
make a EJ account.
make a mage (GM magic)
take him out to the dock and log him off in the inn.

then whenever you need to go out to the dock town you just login that EJ account mage and open yourself up a gate and step through.

i made a EJ account and i made a mage on every shard in-game and parked them out at dock town.
now it doesn't matter what shard im on i can get out to dock town.
or if someone needs a ride ect ect.

oh the things we can do when we have 25 years of playing.
I do the same except I leave an active account mage, running 5 accounts I can spare one to sit it out on a sea docks, Sonoma.



Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I keep a mage there all the time for any occasion when I might need to go there.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Not a sailor I see. You can not mark there. But your ship paint only ages while the ship is out. If you put up your ship after use, it lasts a lot of playtime.
Have sailed a lot... of course it has been a while. Maybe that is why I still can get there easily.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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my boats are painted with the two tone boat paint from the Captain's bundle, it doesn't fade. On the other hand, I quite like the anchor teleporter idea.


Stratics Veteran
I set my navigator world map to the docks (took a bit trial and error to pinpoint it on that tiny map) and just hand it to the captain from the nearest spot I marked.


Babbling Loonie
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Need to add more colors like deep yellow, burnt orange sea blue etc
All the pastels are ugly lol


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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OMG... such a chore to place a boat and actually sail out there! Whatever shall we all do? :rolleyes:

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
OMG... such a chore to place a boat and actually sail out there! Whatever shall we all do? :rolleyes:
I don't think anyone claims it's hard it's just totally unnecessary to not allowing recalling there was a reason ever given?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I don't think anyone claims it's hard it's just totally unnecessary to not allowing recalling there was a reason ever given?
It's the same stupid reason why you can't start with spellweaving... because they want to make you have to sail there otherwise it would be too easy ... which is also why the pirates are 900miles from the dock you need to turn them in at... which is why EVERYONE does Pirates in Tokuno...

The pirates should be closer to Bucs... IMO or the dock should be down near the serpent pillar... not where it is... but whatever...

Like the insanely stupid reason they gave why you can't imbue a spellbook... saying if you could then you wouldn't need an Inscriptionist... well if you don't need an inscriptionist to make the stupid book in the first place... then you don't need a tailor or smith to make the armor in the first place either... or a fletcher to make your bow to imbue... most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life...

I voted to move spellweaving to Haven with everything else at least so new players can at least find the quest giver and such but was told that it would make Heartwood obsolete... like it isn't obsolete already. I mean how many people do you ever see up there now?

There are 100's of obsolete things in the game... the dock isn't in danger of being one of those things. Making it obscure and harder to get to only punishes those with only 1 account... perhaps they are trying to encourage folk to have more accounts.

But like I said I just keep a mage at the dock all the time. If I need her for something like say ... gift getting or for her to go get her artisan gift, empty her bank box, or something I just temporarily swap her with one of my other mages. Or I send one of my other characters to pick up all her junk. She remains there to gate me to the dock whenever I need.

As for the boat paint... I'm with Petra and mine is painted with the permanent stuff you got with the Pirate package thing ages and ages ago. But that was when I also begged and pleaded to get better colors not pastels ... like crimson, black, deep forest green... and the like...

Now I don't know if anyone said this but if you put on more coats of the paints you get somewhat darker paint... however once again I have to say that they will fade so what is the point... I just leave any other boat other than my main natural colored and don't bother at all with painting it.

Maith Ceol

Stratics Veteran
It's the same stupid reason why you can't start with spellweaving... because they want to make you have to sail there otherwise it would be too easy ... which is also why the pirates are 900miles from the dock you need to turn them in at... which is why EVERYONE does Pirates in Tokuno...
I have a house on an island just off Tokuno in the area people supposedly pirate and a) I never see anyone go by b) I see more people east of Jhelom pirating which is why c) I do all my pirating just off Jhelom in Fel so I'm not picking up player board on my tracking all the time.

And then I take my certificates to the guy in Tokuno or by the Sea Market if I'm going that way.

Spellweaving has a whole lore behind it so why would you want to remove it? It's literally not that big of a deal AND new and returning players still need recipes so ... I see people there more often than you'd think.

Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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I have a house on an island just off Tokuno in the area people supposedly pirate and a) I never see anyone go by b) I see more people east of Jhelom pirating which is why c) I do all my pirating just off Jhelom in Fel so I'm not picking up player board on my tracking all the time.

And then I take my certificates to the guy in Tokuno or by the Sea Market if I'm going that way.

Spellweaving has a whole lore behind it so why would you want to remove it? It's literally not that big of a deal AND new and returning players still need recipes so ... I see people there more often than you'd think.

Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk
That lore can be learned in Haven just as well as anywhere else... I'm just saying that if you are going to have a place for new players to learn and start mastering skills etc... it should include and encompass all the useful skills.... Spellweaving included.