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A Simple But Non-Life Threatening Request



Wouldn't it be nice if...
Anytime something was deposited in your backpack, there would be a little trumpet fanfare? Most of the time I'm too busy (or drunk!) to notice the messages that quickly scroll off screen. I would really like an audio cue! Hello...the trumpets say I got sumptin! Let's go look!


Hmm, never really had trouble spotting things dropping into my pack apart from maybe dragon nunchaku, deep brown pigment or bloodwood. I keep a relatively tidy main pack, though.

Colour-coded system messages would be nice. Say you're chopping wood, you hit upon some bloodwood you'd get a message in red instead of the default colour.. or you're fishing and you pull up a sea serpent as sometimes when you're trawling the serpent spawns offscreen. Also hit/miss messages for special moves or abilities..

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'd just like to say that because I was reading this thread while fighting in the Yomotsu Mines, I died (and thus had to run a short distance out to ress and come back and continue).

So about that "non life threatening" thing you mentioned...

You owe me a Mempo :p

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Colour-coded system messages would be nice. Say you're chopping wood, you hit upon some bloodwood you'd get a message in red instead of the default colour.. or you're fishing and you pull up a sea serpent as sometimes when you're trawling the serpent spawns offscreen. Also hit/miss messages for special moves or abilities..

Hmmm I wonder which client could POSSIBLY do this....



Colour-coded system messages would be nice. Say you're chopping wood, you hit upon some bloodwood you'd get a message in red instead of the default colour.. or you're fishing and you pull up a sea serpent as sometimes when you're trawling the serpent spawns offscreen. Also hit/miss messages for special moves or abilities..

Hmmm I wonder which client could POSSIBLY do this....
No idea pinky *rolls eyes*



Colour-coded system messages would be nice. Say you're chopping wood, you hit upon some bloodwood you'd get a message in red instead of the default colour.. or you're fishing and you pull up a sea serpent as sometimes when you're trawling the serpent spawns offscreen. Also hit/miss messages for special moves or abilities..

Hmmm I wonder which client could POSSIBLY do this....
Assuming KR, has it been done yet? I haven't found it among the existing mods. I generally use list mode for my main pack when hunting for dropped items.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Not yet, but the code should already be in the Item Properties files.

Simply take the code that sets color for vendor pricing, or any of the other color coding options and port it over to the chat window (or chat manager, whichever one works) then set it up accordingly.

I say simply, because it's simple in theory, but probably a bit of code tweaking to get it actually working... either way, it shouldn't be too hard compared to some of the other things added in custom UIs.


i like the idea of a bit of trumpeting when you are rewarded for valor in battle.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last night my hubby told me he'd gotten the message and swears the only thing in his back that wasn't there before was an apple. I thought that unlikely and just logged his char in using KR, the list view showed me what he couldn't see in his pack, a small piece of blackrock.
We can't actually *play* in KR, but it does have its uses sometimes. :D The apple of course came from a failed attempt to feed his pet, the rest of the stack were in his other bag.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wouldn't it be nice if...
Anytime something was deposited in your backpack, there would be a little trumpet fanfare? Most of the time I'm too busy (or drunk!) to notice the messages that quickly scroll off screen. I would really like an audio cue! Hello...the trumpets say I got sumptin! Let's go look!
How about just an audio file that screams "HEY uo BuoY !!! Get off the couch and come in here!!!! You just got another arty!!!!!

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The one that looks like ass and runs even worse?

Perhaps it's time to upgrade from the Tandy 1000 then isn't it?

Old Man of UO

I do run KR and have 2 chat channels. One for all chat, and one just for my guild/alliance and system commands. I don't miss the drop message that way. I also have my back pack set in grid mode and can tell at a glance when something new is added.

The text can be color coded in KR also, when you get a drop. However, I personally don't know how. It was asked of the modders a while back if it could be done and I think it was Gildar (or Ash... I think) that said it was possible.

2D client... meh. You are out of luck there.

Kratos Aurion

Wouldn't it be nice if...
Anytime something was deposited in your backpack, there would be a little trumpet fanfare? Most of the time I'm too busy (or drunk!) to notice the messages that quickly scroll off screen. I would really like an audio cue! Hello...the trumpets say I got sumptin! Let's go look!
Its actually something I've always wanted, but usually when I say something, I'm either flamed, rejected, or pushed off the board.


Its actually something I've always wanted, but usually when I say something, I'm either flamed, rejected, or pushed off the board.
Has already happened once in this thread, Should not let such thing deter you from posting. You can ignore the less than respectable people here, could also ignore those you deem less than worthy to give your attention to. :)

Kratos Aurion

Cloak‡1295705 said:
Has already happened once in this thread, Should not let such thing deter you from posting. You can ignore the less than respectable people here, could also ignore those you deem less than worthy to give your attention to. :)
I like your attitude (kinda reminds me of how I USE to be when I first started posting on stratics). Lets start a flame war :flame:

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wouldn't it be nice if...
Anytime something was deposited in your backpack, there would be a little trumpet fanfare? Most of the time I'm too busy (or drunk!) to notice the messages that quickly scroll off screen. I would really like an audio cue! Hello...the trumpets say I got sumptin! Let's go look!
Just a little trumpet fanfare, that isnt good enough we also need fireworks shooting off above our heads for anytime something gets deposited into our packs. only cuz I play with no sound on.


Just a little trumpet fanfare, that isnt good enough we also need fireworks shooting off above our heads for anytime something gets deposited into our packs. only cuz I play with no sound on.
Something like this would most likely be the best solution. (not sure if the current fireworks animation would work tho, kinda sure I would miss it or pass it off as magic arrow heh, at least in 2d)


I see... so, just like those really annoying "quests" that the elves give. Oh boy.

If we're going that way, then let's go all the way.

Trumpets flare, fireworks go off around you, every monster in the area turns and bows to you, and a tiny geisha appears with a small wooden box that she carefully walks up to you with.
"Oh, great warrior, you have earned, from your great valor, this boon!"
She then opens the box, pulls out the item and fawningly starts to hand it to you.

Then whacks you on the head with it, throws it back in the box and runs away laughing as every single monster attacks you from behind.

That's much more appropriate.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am all in favor of a noise, but would also like the color codeing.

I often run UO muted. Uo music/sounds what ever tend to be very black and white for me. I either like or I don't like em.