@Kyronix - I love the idea of converting gold into a non-physical form.
Question #1: Will check forcibly be turned into this system or will it be something the player can choose to implement?
Question #2: There are very old "white" checks in circulation. If forced change, will those be left alone or are they included in the switch?
Suggestion: If gold piles and checks are to be forcibly removed, I'd like to make a suggestion. I'd suggest new player crafted items to represent the gold stacks/piles/deed in game. These items could require x amount of gold plus other ingredients and once made could
not be turned back into currency. This would allow decorators the freedom to still use the graphics for decorating or players who enjoy displaying the wealth. You could even go one step further and create larger coin pile graphics for treasure rooms and really turn this into a positive change that adds to the game. Gold piles with chests imbedded, armor, jewelry etc.