Good luck on getting any information from EA if Mondains was any indication of how they will handle this expansion.
Basically they released the bare minimal amount of information and it was up to the players to figure out how things worked and write a user guide. Half the GM's didn't have clue about what was going on or how things were suppose to work, and forget about calling anyone because the only response you would get was that it was a new expansion and they were still learning.
go figure, then when we find a 'glitch' we are accused of exploiting .. shakes head.
if they would do better at Quality assurance then maybe we wouldn't have these issues all the time...
then again if they actually used Origin shard the way it was ment to be used, 1 week for all patches before it goes live to the rest of the shards, maybe then alot of 'glitches' would be found and worked out before becoming mainstream.
so to put it short, test shard ( 1 month) ,, Origin shard ( 1 week),, then publish ALL patches to normal shards...
the way it was 'supposed' to be., only then will you find 'glitches' easier to control.