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A question on strength


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So after too many years, I was finally able to go to TC. I wanted to check my 2 old cu sidhe and also tried an idea for my 2 slot mare.
So it got me to think, do I really "need" to get the mares str up to 700? If I don't add armor ignore, what other reason is there?
Anyway, my thinking for this mare is to maybe add something like mortal strike. Or option 2, nothing. So if I bring str up to about 400-500 range, would that hurt something I'm not thinking of?

I plan to bring magery, eval int, med, and focus up to 120, assuming I can afford that bill. The other skills to 110. Take int up to 600, stam/dex to 150 each, and dump as much as I can into mana with hp up to the 700-800 range. Of course mr and hpr as well.

Thoughts? Suggestions or ideas I'm not considering would be great, thanks.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The basic attack uses strength. When the mana is gone, thats what they use. Others can tell you if it adds to the other damages.


Stratics Veteran
I believe you get a 30% increase for every 100 pts of str, so take base damage and multiply by .3 (or .03 for 10 pt increments) and that would be increase. Personally unless your using your pet uses chiv, bushido, or as you said AI it isn't a huge deal. On a side note, one of the reasons i stopped using the tactics power scrolls as in my opinion the damage increase for tactics is not worth the points( a legendary cost 200 pts and increases damage by 12.5%)
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks for the info.
I think I'll go back to TC and see if I can raise strength to 600 or 700, along with adjusting my scroll out a bit.

Still not sure if I can make it all work, but we'll see.....