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A proposal of in-game quest in the future

  • Thread starter imported_athos_uo
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  • Watchers 0


I've thought of an idea for an in-game quest in the futere related to the Bushido-Culture in Japan, this morning in the bed.

We Japanese have a famous Swordsman names Musashi Miyamoto. He is the most famous and popular Samurai in Japan and if you ask 100 Japanese who has been the strongst Samurai in Japan, 100 of 100 people would reply that it is Musashi Miyamoto.

Cf: Musashi Miyamoto ( by Wikipedia )

He wrote the book of five rings, which explains the way to fight with Swords, he began the Niten ryu(the way to fight with two swords=Daisho). I think you can read this book in English translation.

Cf: The book of five rings ( by Wikipedia )

Five rings mean, ground(earth), water, fire, wind(air) and Void. The first 4 correspond with 4 elementals of european and american culture. Void is Japanese specific. I think it comes from Zen, means nothing and universe at the same time, or absolute Truth.

I think the in-game quest as follows:

Whoever wants to become Tatsujin Samurai, must get all the four rings of ground, water, fire and wind, through achieving some difficult quests. Whoever wants to become Kengo Samurai, must get the last ring of Void. These quests should be hard and tough enough. And, this is my personal opinion, because Bushido is relatively too strong, two most efficient abilities of Bushido can be used by only Tatsujin and Kengo. It would nerf Bushido a little.

And this quest should be character specific as well as "friend of library".

Of course, we have a famous Ninja too, names Hanzo Hattori. He was actually a Samurai, but lead the troop of Iga Ninja, so he is considered and described as a Ninja in Japanese Fiction.

Cf: Hanzo Hattori ( by Wikipedia )

Sasuke Sarutobi or Saizo Kirigakure is more famous and poplurar in Japan, but they are both fictional persons.

We could have also Ninja quest.


How about this? Isn't it fun?


I actually have two translations of the Book of Five Rings
That's a neat idea!


'It would nerf Bushido a little."

Why? We have enough nerfs in this game, we don't need to make any more up from some fictional overpoweredness. It's a good support skill that goes well with warrior templates. That's it. Are you going to say "nerf Chivalry" next because it's another good support skill for warriors? Besides, adding a quest doesn't nerf, it just makes skill gaining take that much longer. Bushido has been in the game for more than 3 yrs, and has been nerfed enough along the way. It's time to leave it alone and stop thinking "nerf".

"Whoever wants to become Kengo Samurai, must get the last ring of Void."

Ok, and what about every player that's already reached legendary status?

I'm sorry, but that nerf bat has been used way too much lately. It's got dents and chunks taken out of it. It's time to retire it and start thinking balance and not nerf.


The idea for the quest is a good one, however, instead of taking away what people already have and then making them work towards it again, maybe something new should be added for the Samurai. I am in no way a big fan of bushido, but if someone was going to take away a skill that I liked and then make me work towards it again, I wouldn't be too happy about it. Again though, I really do like the quest idea.



'It would nerf Bushido a little."

Why? We have enough nerfs in this game, we don't need to make any more up from some fictional overpoweredness. It's a good support skill that goes well with warrior templates. That's it. Are you going to say "nerf Chivalry" next because it's another good support skill for warriors? Besides, adding a quest doesn't nerf, it just makes skill gaining take that much longer. Bushido has been in the game for more than 3 yrs, and has been nerfed enough along the way. It's time to leave it alone and stop thinking "nerf".

"Whoever wants to become Kengo Samurai, must get the last ring of Void."

Ok, and what about every player that's already reached legendary status?

I'm sorry, but that nerf bat has been used way too much lately. It's got dents and chunks taken out of it. It's time to retire it and start thinking balance and not nerf.

[/ QUOTE ]
I knew that someone would get mad if I associate this idea with nerfing something.

This idea needs not always to be associated with nerfing. It could be associated with nerf and could not be as well, it is egal for me. If we'd like to implement the last one into the game without nerfing, something new should be added, as InTooDeep pointed out.

Then how do you think of this if it would not nerf anything?


The idea for the quest is a good one, however, instead of taking away what people already have and then making them work towards it again, maybe something new should be added for the Samurai. I am in no way a big fan of bushido, but if someone was going to take away a skill that I liked and then make me work towards it again, I wouldn't be too happy about it. Again though, I really do like the quest idea.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, what you say is very moderate, and if devs actually implemented this into the game, they would do it in this way. Thanks for good pointing out.


I think it should start with the librarian of the Bushido/Ninja section asking you to find one of the two books. They would drop from several named specific creatures in the Tokuno islands or in possible secret places.

Then, the librarian may suggest you read the book you find, which tells of a Master Samurai or Ninja in or around Tokuno who can train you in the ways of the rings or the ninja. The end result is you gain a title from each ring you gather, and if you gain all five rings (perhaps five stars for ninjas) then you gain the title "Follower of Miyamoto" or "Follower of Hattori".

Eventually quests could involve the friends/followers that have the title, perhaps given by the Empress.



I think it should start with the librarian of the Bushido/Ninja section asking you to find one of the two books. They would drop from several named specific creatures in the Tokuno islands or in possible secret places.

Then, the librarian may suggest you read the book you find, which tells of a Master Samurai or Ninja in or around Tokuno who can train you in the ways of the rings or the ninja. The end result is you gain a title from each ring you gather, and if you gain all five rings (perhaps five stars for ninjas) then you gain the title "Follower of Miyamoto" or "Follower of Hattori".

Eventually quests could involve the friends/followers that have the title, perhaps given by the Empress.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for your reply. It's cool, good idea!

Ninjas use sometimes scrolls when they use their abilities in Japanese Fiction. So maybe the five scrolls might be better than five stars.

But we need not always have "five" things. For Example, we have a myth of "Imperial Regalia of Japan", that is "Three Sacred Treasures". These are Katana, Magic Mirror and Magic Bracelet. "Katana" has a name of "Kusanagi no Tsurugi" and is often introduced into Japanese RPG games.It is possible that whoever wants to gain the title of "Follower of Hattori" should seek these three lost treasures for Empress.

It may be librarian that gives quest, or it may be the Empress of the Tokuno Imperial.


In any way, I'd like to have a proper background story for Samurai and Ninja, as well as Avatars have the background of three principles and eight virtues.