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[Price Check] A precious Egg From The Legendary Phoenix ~ Price Check Please! May be selling!


Most eggs such as the recent turkey one and the sea turtle ones are hard sells and have only been selling for 125-200m unfortunately. I think they are super cool, but not highly desirable. I would offer 175m to.throw it with my other eggs if you decide to sell. I'm also always willing to do a trade! I love trading.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most eggs such as the recent turkey one and the sea turtle ones are hard sells and have only been selling for 125-200m unfortunately. I think they are super cool, but not highly desirable. I would offer 175m to.throw it with my other eggs if you decide to sell. I'm also always willing to do a trade! I love trading.
Thankyou for the info, I might keep it for awhile though.