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A Poll for those that have upgraded to SA

Lord Ron Fellows

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On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the best) how would you rate SA as far as everything you expected it would be.

I'm torn on upgrading.


Babbling Loonie
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First off, let me say that I've barely begun to get to all the content they offer with this expansion. I created a new account and upgraded so I could create a gargoyle, an imbuer, and a few quirky tamers for the new tameables. Thus I've been doing quite a bit of training to get them ready to brave the dangers.

Having got that out of the way, I've loved everything I have encountered thus far. Imbuing really has my mind whirling as I envision specific items for specific characters. My early explorations already have me brainstorming storylines and roleplaying events.

The biggest plus, however, is that my alliance chat is buzzing with a bunch of excited happy players who are having a blast. There is nothing like having that sort of excited community spirit.


So far 8, going close to 9.

Underworld, Abyss, very nice.
However, there are a few quirks that prevent a full 9 or even higher. e.g. Ter Mur and the whole Royal City itself - while designed really nicely - is just too huge, "empty" and boring.

Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
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I like the Seafaring expansion idea....and well done for the ideas about Trammel and Felucca except the fact of the not to be able to enter in dungeons from first level or go to moongates...

I would say... criminals must be caught by players who have to be like guardians or something. I wouldn't have automatic npc catching uber pvpers as old pkers....

If players want to do the work of police they should do it, not npc.

Also you cannot catch pkers in dungeons , but you can just bring back their head (for the bounty system) and get rewards (arties, gold). if they are located in cities you can prison them.

Anyway v good ideas, I would fix a bit the trammel fel things but it's interesting .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A good and satisfying 8 points!

I really enjoy the new quests/skills/stealables, and the abyss and underworld are great!
But Ter mur itself atm is a bit too empty and boring. And I don´t like the house spots they gave us (compared to tokuno for example).

But still this expansion is definatly worth buying :)


Stratics Veteran
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9 points, the only problem to receive already purchased upgrade code.
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Salya Sin


I agree with the city being empty. A lot of the buildings look unfinished and the there are spots with nothing at all? I wonder if they are still working on a few things... and decided it could be released as is with upgrades coming with events or something.

OH and I have to keep saying this until the Dev's explain why they changed it on the web page... It would be a 10/10 if the Fairy Dragons were tamable. :)

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
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I would give it a solid 8/10 and after the weekend that will most likely move to 9/10. As far as long term enjoyment for the price I would say it is a pretty good deal! :thumbsup:


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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9/10. Still a little buggy, but definitely worth the upgrade.


Stratics Veteran
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I would rate it a 4 out of a possible 10.

I am unimpressed with the new tamables and creatures. Unimpressed with all the wasted space in Ter Mur. Unimpressed that imbuing was taken to Legendary by some in the first 2 days.

Maybe a 4 is being to kind.

Perhaps in time I may feel differently. But so far, I cannot recommend this expansion, and will not add it to any of my remaining accounts.

Trebr Drab

As it exceeded my expectations very much (although I was beta tester), I would rate:

If I imagine an expansion that I would like best (Seafaring Expansion plus a Solution for the Trammel/Felucca Dilemma), and compare it with SA, I would rate SA:
This is a good way to answer the question, but I'd still give this expansion a solid 8 in the 2nd case. Regardless of everything else, this is quite a content rich expansion and almost every aspect of it has that "Ultima" feel.


Queen of The Outlaws
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So far I love it so 10/8

I had not seen the dungeon and underworld yet as I only had upgraded 2 crafter accounts so far, my PvP and PvM accounts will have to wait to next payday.

I love, I now have a use for all the trash armor and weapon and I do decrease my lockdown counts in my houses too, as I unraw alot crap and seed and other stuff from plants stack.

I also love the facts, that there are stuff I can kill with my crafter and stuff on it I need.

For first time in years, I do play several hours in row, that's great.

However only 8 for what I expected. Siege did not get a second char slot or any other stuff that will draw more players to Siege and make us keep the ones we get. Traveling is an other problem on Siege. Think we need recall with 30 sec delay, so player can recall but not use it as escape if they see an enemy.
Also drop 3xprices and crazy prices for boats, tax..kit and classic houses.


1 point off because the landscape is a bit bare, but doesn't look bad.

This is one of the better expansions. I upgraded mainly for the housing, carpets, and other new decorating things. I especially like the way they build house placement for Ter Mur, not big open spaces like Malas.
The new dungeon also looks very tempting and i don't usually go hunting.

So overall expansion is way better than i expected.


I'd score it an 8.5-9/10.

I've really been enjoying all the new areas, monsters, quests, and such. Mostly all with my old characters so I haven't really even jumped in with the new skills or race yet.

The good thing is you can play everything in EITHER client. So that becomes a personal choice for ya. Me personally, I play both. I absolutely love the UI that the new client offers along with all the extras, but something about the graphics just bug me. I can't nail down what it is. Maybe it's just being used to what your used to, I don't know.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
an honest 6. not bad, not insane. worth 30 bucks? sure. worth it for more than one account? nope...


Stratics Legend
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Its exceeding my expectations, and I haven't even done that much playing. Looks like the best expansion in ages. I wanna say 10/10 but I just haven't experienced enough yet.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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So far so good. Not enough time spent there yet to grade. 1/3 accounts upgraded nad not sure if I will do any others.

Mark Knotts

I'd give it around a 8 but would increase that if they opened up the weapons for all races.


Always Present
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A solid 9/10 for content - And I haven't even touched imbuing or the new skills yet.

A whopping 10/10 - For being able to continue to enjoy 2d/Legacy client



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
very solid 8 bordering 9 for everything I have tried so far. I too would like to see more done over time not only with ter mur but with all the existing landmasses to bring all the sortylines and threads together and make for more continuity.

But I really like everything I see so far.

Eyes of Origin

8/10 and the only reason I am not going higher is because I cant find the rest of my mysticism scrolls anywhere =/


Lore Master
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Deducted .3 for Sir Robert's Banana Tree being pvp environment reward, versus a gardener's reward, and .2 for lack of UOAM abilities of SA lands in new clients in my opinion. Wished there were alternative means to get 120 mysticism and throwing without having to depend on a pvper, and dismayed by the increased # of low ps needed to make a higher level one for another half point loss. However, there is so much new content and exploring to do. The world design is well thought out, befitting the gargoyle style, and full of heartpounding surprises. Enjoying all the little humorous touches in the quest and book texts. A nine point oh yeah! from me.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Content: Solid 9, with the only thing keeping it a 10 would be the problem with the 3 key quest due to the final creature being too easy and dropping a desired item leading to camping. Beyond that, there are so many little quests, systems, and things to do that there's more than enough to keep people busy without stepping all over each other in the process.

The return of Ultima style lore and gaming is great. The Farmer Nash quest while small is VERY well done and enjoyable.

Client: 7. Unfortunately, due to changes made to the Enhanced client from it's KR form have downgraded my opinion of the new client overall. Granted if certain enhancements that were stripped from the KR client make it back into the Enhanced client as either an upgrade or an optional setting, then I'll revise my assessment.


10/10 here as well. I've been having an immense amount of fun with the new content... despite the fact that I'm new to the game and everything is new to me.

Favorites so far include (not in any paticular order):

Imbuing (lots of potential there)
Housing tile-sets (my 18x18 has been remodeled twice so far as I come up with new ideas)
Underworld (haven't seen much of it yet since I'm afraid to venture very far by myself... but I love how detailed the map is)


Expansion is great.

Rating is 9 or a 10 for content.

It would be a 10 if and when it is more optimized.

Graphics need more higher res too.

Overall excellent.

Marcus Blackwell

So far Id rate it a 8.5 but thats cause I havent been able to explore much in the new lands yet and some of the bugs with the quest.. I figure after I get done exploring more and some of the bugs with some of the quests are fix then my rating will probably go up.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
ten trillion.
If they put as much effort as they did into the expansion in the Client. worlds will explode with joy.


Site Support
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10/10 I'm enjoying everything, I wasn't expecting a flawless expansion. I honest don't think QA can catch everything with an expansion this massive, after all there are more of us than them.

The New content is pretty nice I really enjoy it, I've been working imbuing some each day and hit 95.2 today and put a soulforge in my house.

New tameables, love em, new uses for crafters YAY!! I've been loving it.

I'm not overly miffed about UOAM though I rarely used it, it's a crutch plain and simple if you rely on it then oh well, and if you're a PvPer, give up the gank it's cheap and lame I'm glad it's harder to run in packs. Any where I go I still navigate the lands of we have access to by looking at the screen and seeing how the trees are laid out, take the time to really learn your environment and you won't need UOAM.

This is probably the best expansion since UO:R and UO:R was probably the best expansion to date as far as how smoothly things were introduced.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A nice solid 9/10. I'm having a ball, the guildies are having a ball, it's FUN :D I'm having such a great time with the craft stuff I'm only just today getting around to exploring the underworld a bit. Tamer has had fun gathering all the new regs and we've all spent a lot of time saying 'what the hell is THAT?' All in all, it's been worth my upgrading two accounts so far.